Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Never Regret Following Your Dreams- 100th blog post

Of all the people I have ever known, those who have pursued their dreams and failed have lived a much more fulfilling life than those who have put their dreams on a shelf for fear of failure.  ~Author Unknown

This quote really resonates with me and during the last two months I've been pursuing my dream of living and working in New York City. I've had major ups and even harder downs but overall I'm having the time of my life. However, sometimes you can't always foresee how things will work out-no matter how hard you try or how passionate you are or how much you pray for things to happen.

Sometimes things just don't go according to plan. Plain and simple.  It's not been easy for me to make this decision- many tears have been shed - but I truly feel this is the right thing. Well here goes nothing...I'm moving back to Atlanta/Acworth on March 1st.  

I've wrestled with this decision for weeks now and ultimately the job search isn't going as well as I had hoped. I wasn't expecting an instant job offer upon moving here but I was hoping for more opportunities and they just don't seem to be open right now. 

...Physically writing this post is making this decision real to me now and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely emotional right now...

A part of me is absolutely devastated that this didn't work out because I truly believed with all my heart that this move was the right thing for me. But the other side is telling me to be realistic and think of everything I'm missing by being here. I miss my friends.  I miss my family.  I miss Auburn.  

With that said, a big reason that I'm getting excited about this move back is because of those aforementioned things. I'm excited that I get to be with my friends again. I'm excited that I get to attend the Bridal Showers of my best friends and be a proper Maid of Honor who is there for the bride whenever she needs me. I'm excited about being with my family.

I know it was a risk moving here and I don't regret it AT ALL. But of course it hurts and I often have nightmares of being labeled a failure or a quitter but you know what? I can forever and always say I gave 100% in the pursuit of this dream. I'm not going to ever have those 'what if' questions I would have had if I hadn't moved here.

I've also grown to appreciate Atlanta so much more from being in New York. Trust me, there are many things that NYC will always be better at...(cough cough public transportation) but I truly believe that I will be happier with the move back now that I've been somewhere else. 

Everything happens for a reason. I will preach that till the day I die. I don't really see why NY didn't work out yet but I'm sure in a few years I will look back and say, "Moving to NYC was the best decision I ever made because without it I never would be here."

So there it big announcement...I'm moving back. 

If I could just say to all my friends who are about to graduate (or those who already have)- Take a risk. Go somewhere new. Try something you would have never done because you never know what will happen. It may bring you back full circle and make you realize that what you actually wanted to get away from is exactly what you wanted in the first place.

Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me on my New York journey. I will always feel at home in this city but I'm looking forward to another chapter in the job search saga in Atlanta with all my loved ones.   


  1. aww i'm crying reading this right now:( i'm going to miss you so much! Atlanta will be blessed to have you:) lets live up your last month here sister! love you:)

  2. I am beyond proud of you. This is one of the most inspiring posts i've ever read. It takes a lot of courage to move somewhere totally new, but it takes even more to do what you are doing. I'm happy for you and knowthat you will find amazing opportunities in Atlanta! Love you so much!

  3. Aw yay! I'm glad I'll get to have more girl days with you! Keep your head up!

  4. Love you Amanda and I'm so proud of you!!! Can't wait for you to be down around here again just in time for wedding fun :)

  5. I am so proud that you're my sister! You are braver than anyone I've ever met and I know that there is a job for you that you will knock out. I'm really excited that you're moving back, but I also hurt that your trip up there didn't have the results you wanted. Your friend is so lucky to have a bridal planner like yourself as their maid of honor! :o) I hope your move back brings you more job offers and blessings than you can hold in your hands.

  6. You are not leaving NYC for good - just remember it is always there for you to go back to....sometime in the future when the time is right you will be there again :)

  7. Thank you all so much! You have no idea how much each of your comments means to me.

  8. I am SO PROUD of you! Following your dreams, especially in a new city, is terrifying, but knowing when to say "when" is even scarier. I'm sure you'll find some great opportunities in Atlanta, which I know will lead you right back to New York.
    <>~~~ love!
