Thursday, February 24, 2011

From Broadway to Law and Order

Even when I have a plan it seems as though things happen that I would have never anticipated. Take yesterday for example.

I decided that I wanted to go see Billy Elliot because they have great student ticket rates but because Vicki was working I planned on seeing it alone. I woke up, got on Facebook and Jordan was online! Knowing that she's a dancer I asked if she wanted to come. Of course she said yes and we headed up to the Imperial Theatre to hopefully get tickets. Well apparently even though the website says they have shows on Wednesday there were no shows- the rude box office lady informed us. After getting super excited about the show we were so disappointed. Jordan had been talking about how she wanted to see Phantom so I was like "Hey the Phantom theatre is just one block over...let's go see if they have student tickets or something." We ended up getting an amazing deal for standing room so we bought tickets for the 2pm show!  And let me tell you...standing room is a fab idea for those on a budget!

We had some time to kill so we headed over and played in the Disney store for a good hour. I think we had way too much fun acting like we were 5 year olds. We then headed over to the beautiful Majestic Theatre for my 3rd viewing of Phantom in NYC. I could see it 100 more times and still get chill bumps when the show starts. 

After the show we both didn't really have anything to do so I suggested we go over to the East side where I had read that Law & Order: SVU was filming. In case you don't know...I'm obsessed with this show and I've created SVU junkies out of my family and friends. (They love me for it of course). I knew there was a slim chance that they were still filming since it was later in the day but I figured why the heck not. 

As Jordan and I were walking up 2nd Avenue I spotted the film crew! I literally pointed and shouted "FILMING EQUIPMENT" and bolted towards it. Despite Jordan almost stealing the cheese that the crew had out to eat, we were not bothersome at all. They were filming inside so for all we knew they could be in there for hours but luck was on our side! Jordan taps me and I look over as Christopher Meloni (Elliot Stabler) is walking out of the building. We stood still on the sidewalk as he literally walked 6 inches from us. We smiled and I was in heaven. He is as sexy in person as he is on TV. Then I turned to look at the door and spotted Mariska Hargitay (Olivia Benson)! I gasped (slightly startling Jordan) and got so excited when I saw her walking towards us. We decided to walk down the street to the trailers before speaking to her but as soon as she was by her trailer I politely asked her if I could please get a picture. She was so nice and said sure! I won't lie. I was completely awe struck. 

My picture is a little blurry but who cares!  I was giddy the rest of the night!

As amazing as it was I wish Vicki could have come since it was something we'd wanted to do together but unfortunately she had to work. :-(

I can't believe I only have 4 days left in the city. It's really starting to hit.

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