Friday, January 21, 2011

Center Stage

Yesterday began as a normal Thursday. I woke up wondering what I was going to do in this beautiful city...with an extremely small budget. I've been wanting to attend the NYC Ballet for a long time and when I learned they had student rush tickets it made me want to go even more! I happen to check the website yesterday and see that there were still rush tickets available! I knew we weren't going to get wonderful seats as the tickets were only $15 but I mainly just wanted the experience of going to a Ballet at Lincoln Center. 

By 7pm Vicki and I arrived to pick up our tickets for the 8pm show. I marveled at the beautiful marble floors, staircases and sculptures that surrounded me and I was beyond excited about seeing the inside of the theatre.  I've always been a huge fan of the movie Center Stage and for those of you who've seen it then you know it takes place in New York at a fictional ballet company. So basically I felt as though I was in the movie since several scenes took place in the rooms I was walking in. 

Once we were allowed to enter the theatre a lady approached us asking if she could help us to our seats.  I handed her my ticket and said just point us up to the highest seat because I'm sure that's where we are! She looked at my ticket, handed it back and said no you are right over here in the Orchestra! These are very good seats! I couldn't believe it. I asked her again to make sure but it was true! She led us to our seats that were maybe 25 rows from the stage almost directly in the center. I was still in awe. We were sitting in seats that sold for more than $100! I was in heaven.

The lights dimmed and after hearing an introduction from the orchestra director the ballet began. It was beautiful, simply beautiful. There were a total of three ballets performed and we had an intermission after the first and second. The first was very traditional with only two main dancers. The second was my absolute favorite as it reminded me very much of the ending performance of Center Stage with two guys biding for a girls attention with lots of fast paced moves and a good amount of background dancers. The third had a old time Renaissance feel to me and half the group were en pointe while the other half were not. All three were spectacular and I found myself completely entranced by their every move. 

It was one of my favorite nights in New York thus far. And the sheer surprise of getting to sit so close made it that much more special.  We're hoping to get tickets to Swan Lake in February and I'm so excited!

If you ever get a chance to attend the NYC Ballet, take it! You will NOT be disappointed!

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