Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh to live like Carrie Bradshaw/SJP

Vicki and I officially wrote down our NYC Bucket List and we've been crossing things off left and right! 

Last Friday night Vicki and I headed uptown to the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art...for those who don't know). I'd been wanting to go but I wanted to wait until Friday evening because they have free Fridays! I was most looking forward to looking at the paintings and here are some of my absolute favorite:

Those of you who read my blog when I interned in NYC know that I love going to movie sets and I have this great website that tells me all the locations throughout the city. Well, I'd seen that Sarah Jessica Parker was starring in a new movie down by Wall Street so Vicki and I headed down to see if we could see anything. Knowing it was a long shot that SJP would actually be seen we wondered around without any success. After taking a stroll down Wall Street we decided to head back because we were absolutely freezing. As we were crossing the street I noticed a large white sheet that could only mean one thing- a film set! I dragged Vicki over and I looked in the window to see SARAH JESSICA PARKER!! I literally grabbed Vicki's arm and shoved her closer to me saying, "There she is!! She's RIGHT THERE!" It was so neat to actually see her live!! Being a huge Sex and the City fan I find SJP THE New Yorker to see. We watched them film for a bit before leaving. I can't wait to see her new movie "I Don't Know How She Does It" when it comes out! 

Continuing on our Sex and the City kick, we decided to walk over to Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. If you watch the show then you know the exact NYC Brownstone I am referring too! It was only a quick walk to get over there and we knew it the moment we laid eyes on it. I know we're dorks but we don't care. 

So there's 3 things checked off the list! Can't wait to do some more! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! I am not a SJP fan but I AM a SATC fan so this is so great! So does no one live in that apartment building now or what? Details please! Oh, and when can i visit??? miss you!
