Last week was absolutely fabulous! I've missed NYC so much!! But this was not just a vacation. I had a mission.

I had an interview at 10:30am, 1pm and 4pm all in one day plus a 9:30am the next day all on completely different sides of town. But I couldn't have been more excited. I was also really happy that my two sisters and dad were there (along with my grandparents/aunt/and encouraging texts from my mom and friends)- it definitely made my day when I walked out of my first interview and they were outside waiting for me! And they made it even better by surprising me with my favorite Magnolia Bakery cupcake!!
I don't want to say too much about each company other than that I thoroughly enjoyed going to all of them! I loved all the people I got to meet and talk with. It really showed me that working in NYC in PR is EXACTLY what I want to do!
I will give some advice for those of you starting the interview process that helped me a lot.
1. Do you research!! You should know as much as you can about the company before walking in the door.
2. Be prepared for a knowledge test. Thank you JRNL 1100 because I had to take a spelling test at one of my interviews! So Auburn students--take that class seriously!!

4. Be yourself!! That is my #1 priority! Trust me, I want these companies to like me more than they know...but I want them to like me-not fake interview Amanda.
I know everything is going to work out for me but I ask that everyone keep me in your thoughts!
Thank you everyone who has helped me on this journey and I couldn't have made it this far without your support.
Check back soon to hear about the rest of my NYC/NJ trip!
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