Friday, April 30, 2010

Here's to HAPPO!

Wow today was a whirl wind of tweets as #HAPPO entered the scene.  

It was my first experience with HAPPO and I was pleased with the turnout.  I had a lot of fun!  Thank you to Jeremy Pepper who featured me on his blog!  And of course thank you to Valerie Simon for looking out for me!  

I thoroughly enjoyed it!  

Someone had posted that they wanted people to come up with "A day in the life of your dream job" in less than 100 words and here was my submission:

N-Not knowing what each day will bring and having new adventures.
E- Everyone will support each other.
W-Work will always be fun.

Y-Yes, I would love to plan that event!
O-Ordinary is not accepted.
R-Running down to SoHo for lunch.
K-Kind bosses that want to teach their craft.

C-Clients will be given the most creative ideas.
I- I dream of an office overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge or Central Park.
T-To wake up every day LOVING my career.
Y-Yelling for a cab to get to a meeting.

Again, thanks to everyone at HAPPO and I'm excited where this leads me!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Taylor Swift says WAR EAGLE!

Yesterday is going to be a day that I will never forget.  Thank you to myself for being in the library at the right time!!!

A Hug From Taylor Swift is a campaign that two very creative guys from Auburn started back in January.  They made hilarious videos saying why they should get a hug from Taylor as well as running around campus giving hugs to people to practice.

Well, the boys along with 300 lucky students got the opportunity to see Taylor Swift live when she came and gave a surprise private concert at the Auburn Hotel.

I am so happy to say that I was one of the lucky students who got to be in the room--FRONT ROW actually! It was unbelievable! She was RIGHT there!  She came out, gave the boys a hug and then sang two amazing songs for us!

She even joined in a WAAARRRR EAGLE! It was such a surreal experience for me so I can't even imagine how the boys are feeling.

Here is my little video that I posted on Auburn Family and after only 1 day it has more than 800 views!!

Thank you so much Taylor for coming to Auburn and experiencing the Auburn Family.

Find more videos like this on Auburn Family



Thank you to Valerie who answered the question correctly! Three nicknames for NYC include: The Big Apple, Gotham and "The City"

This weeks Trivia Question is:

Name three Broadway Theatres.  (not shows--theatres)

Comment with your answer! :-)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Social Media + HAPPO

Okay so this weekend was amazing.  As most of you know, I have created a PR campaign called #GetAmandaToNYC and I posted the video about two weeks ago.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have known that I would be here today with a video that has more than 300 views and my channel on youtube has more than 600 views.  I was going to be happy if I hit 30 views!!!!!

This weekend I was sitting at my house in Atlanta and decided to tweet @helpaprproout with my website and video.  I didn't think they would watch it let alone respond to me with such amazing comments.  

Within an hour, my video had been exposed to nearly 10,000 people just from the people who re-tweeted.  I was direct messaging people who wanted to talk to me about NYC and I had so many words of encouragement from people I didn't even know!  

Within two hours, I had made the front page of the HAPPO (help a pr pro out) website!!! It blew my mind!  (in case you can't read it--this is what the post says: "Embedded below you’ll find a stellar video from a student at Auburn who’s all set to graduate in August.  This one is definitely worth a look by students and employers alike.")

I can't even express how grateful I am for all the people who have watched my video, tweeted/re-tweeted about my video or messaged me about it.  You all are amazing and I wish I could personally thank every one of you.  

I'm really hoping that I can get some interviews out of this and I am so excited about participating in HAPPO this Friday!!

Now onto the NYC trivia question!  Thank you to my sister Colleen Pinto who answered the first question correctly--The 5 boroughs are: Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Staten Island! 

****This weeks Trivia Question!!!**** (remember to comment with your answer!!!)

-Name three of NYC's nicknames! 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NYC Trivia

I've decided that at the end of all my blogs I am going to put a trivia question about NYC.  Some will be easy and some not so easy.  

I challenge you all to comment and answer the questions WITHOUT going to Google.  You also don't have to be a member of this site to comment--you can just do so anonymously but please sign your name if you want recognition for the correct answer.

Good luck to you all and here is the first question:

**Name the 5 boroughs!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Josefina Boneo--Before She Becomes a Star

When watching a movie or TV show, most people only pay attention to the lead actors. But what about the hundreds or sometimes thousands of people that help make up the scene as extras?

Auburn student Josefina Boneo, a junior in communication, was offered a job as an extra on the set of the hit TV show "The Vampire Diaries."

Boneo has wanted to become an actor since she was a little girl and getting this opportunity just sealed the deal.

Find more videos like this on The Loveliest Village

"Ever since I was 5-years-old, I would do skits with my family on the holidays and I loved it," says Boneo.

Becoming an extra is not as easy as it may sound. Boneo spent over a year sending out resumes and headshots without hearing a word until she got an email about The Vampire Diaries.

"I got an email saying I was chosen and was not expecting it," says Boneo. "I called my mom and freaked out!"

Being on the set was something that Boneo will never forget. Filming started very early in the morning and despite the warm weather all the extras were dressed in winter attire to fit the season of the show.

Boneo explains how down to earth and friendly the lead actors where to her surprise.

"The lead was just talking to us and he was really cool," she says. "He didn't act like he was on a hit show."

Boneo has been working hard to get into the entertainment industry by immersing herself in acting classes and surrounding herself by people who know their stuff.

In the 2009, Boneo spent the summer living in New York City and attended the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute.

"I knew that to be in this field I had to work with the best," says Boneo. "And I knew that Lee Strasberg would give that to me."

Lee Stasberg Theatre and Film Institute has taught many award winning actors such as Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe and many more.

After sending in her resume, Boneo flew up to NYC for a formal interview where she had to impress the admissions board.

Now Boneo is setting her sights on Hollywood and is excited to go out there this summer to take Bill Howey Acting Workshop classes. This workshop only accepts intermediate to advanced actors so Boneo was thrilled when she found out she had been accepted.

"I feel like going out to LA will be a good way to meet people," says Boneo. "In this industry you need to surround yourself by people who have the same interests as you."

Althouth Boneo is just a junior and still has another year here at Auburn, she is determined to make it in the entertainment industry. Her passion and outgoing personality will sure get her from being an extra to the leading lady in no time.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Top 10 list--

This is a preview to the new page I will be adding on my website.  It is solely dedicated to my GetAmandaToNYC Campaign!!

My Top 10 Reasons on why I should get to NYC:

10. I am not a Southern Belle.
9. I already know the subway system like the back of my hand.
8. I can hail a cab like no ones business.
7. My parents don't want me living in the basement. And neither do I.
6. I'm a huge fan of NY sports teams- Giants & Yankees!
5. I can give my car to my 16-year-old sister who doesn't have one because I won't need one up in NYC.
4. Unlike my fellow Southerners, I know how to honk a car horn.
3. I'm Catholic and would love nothing more than to be a part of St. Patricks parish.

and finally......

1. I want to go to NYC because it is where my heart is and will forever be. 

Suggestions? Comments? Let me know!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My website AND video are here!!!!

....drum roll please....

And here is the finished video! 

THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you so much to the girls who came out today! You have no idea how much it means to me!  

Today was great! A little disappointed in the turnout but hey, at least people showed up! I have learned a few things through this process and the number one thing I will always remember is that people do NOT read facebook events.  

I guess we have just learned to tune out everything on facebook since it is used so often. So note to self and to others that read this--If you want people there do NOT solely rely on a facebook event.

The video is done and will hopefully be uploaded tomorrow with the launching of my website! 

Again- a BIG thank you goes out to: Ashley Fenoglio, Whitney Jacob, Kathryn Cooper, Katie Freeman, Lacey Paoletto, Samantha Mays, Victoria Dominic, Meg Gheesling, Ellie Locke, Caroline Catchpole, Amanda Healy, Alyssa Bennett, Liz Howerton, Morgan Palmer and Andrea Hartis!!!

Tomorrow is the day!

You can't get anywhere without trying and putting yourself out there.  I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about my campaign video tomorrow.

I'm nervous that no one will show up.

I'm scared that people will think it's dumb and a waste of time.

I'm terrified that my friends won't support me.

But beyond that I'm excited about trying something new.

I'm eager to get this project started.

I'm determined to follow my dreams and do whatever it takes to get there.
I can't wait until tomorrow.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Help me with my GetAmandaToNYC Campaign!

Yesterday I began a Facebook event for my campaign video!  Here is what the event details say:

Hey everyone!

I have been hard at work on a PR campaign to get me hired in NYC after graduation! I could really use your help for a section of my video that I am creating. In case you don't know, the name of my campaign is GetAmandaToNYC and I am confident that with a little help from my friends that this can work!

I need A LOT of people for not a long period of time on Sunday, April 11 at 1pm. We will all be meeting on Samford Lawn. Come dressed however you want--if you want to make something special then go right ahead. I need 14 volunteers to be my sign holders and who will definitely be here on Sunday.

The impact of this will be so much better if there is a lot of you there! So tell your friends to come with you! They don't need to know me--just need to be able to yell what I say and be happy about it! haha

Thank you so much to everyone who has been helping me on this! Words can't express how much it means to me!

Also-if you are interested in a speaking part, please comment and let me know!

I love you all!!!


There are so many people who are already on board and it hasn't even been up for 24 hours! I am so excited about getting this ball rolling!
If you would like to help out please let me know! :-) Also, if you want to attend- head on over to the FB event! Click here!