One year ago tonight I was in my basement with one of my closest friends becoming a Gleek and watching season 1 of, now my favorite show, Glee. I was so happy to just be at home having a relaxing night but I remember the feeling I had when 2010 was officially here.
It was the year of my graduation- the year I was going to prove myself and become an adult.
Here I am one year later in New York City. No, you won't be spotting me on the MTV New Years Eve bash tonight or at a club or anywhere for that matter. So many people bring in the new year by drinking and partying- I prefer to spend it where I'm most comfortable and where I can reflect on the last year.
I've come up with a top 10 list of 2010- some everyone will remember while others are special memories with certain friends. These are in no particular order and I'd like to thank everyone who has made an impact on my life this year. It hasn't gone unnoticed.
10- Siobhan/Katie/Eleanor's engagements and Ashley's wedding
9- True Blood nights with Becca
8- Graduation!!
7- Grandbig/big/little quality time
6- All the good times at Chicken Salad Chick
5- Roomie dinners
4- Seeing Promises, Promises with Vicki
3- Receiving the #1 spot on PR Sarah Evans "Top PR Grad to Hire"
2- Spending quality "bonus" time with my family when I moved home
1- Moving to New York City
I'm ready for 2011 and I can only hope that it brings me as many great memories as 2010 did.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas and a Blizzard!
6 pm on Thursday could not have come fast enough. All I wanted was to get to my Grandparents house for Christmas! I was the girl that probably ran you over had you been walking too slow on my way back to The Markle. I grabbed my things and headed out to Penn Station where every one and their mom was as well.
Finally I made it to Morristown where I was greeted by my Grandpa and Aunt. We had a relaxing night catching up and eating delicious Boston Creme Pie. The next day (Christmas Eve!) Grandma took me to lunch at my favorite place- Friendlys! It was so nice to just have a grandmother/granddaughter outing!
We all got ready for midnight mass and headed over to St. Virgils to celebrate Christmas! This is definitely my favorite mass by far and although it was a beautiful service I very much missed Transfiguration- my home church. And I was desperately missing my normal family traditions but again I really enjoyed spending the quality time with my grandparents/aunt.
Christmas morning was soon upon us and it was filled with laughter, singing, eating and of course opening presents. After we had opened all our gifts, I brought down my computer to have a Skype Christmas with my family in Acworth. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the day! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family and I thank God every day for all he's given me.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and for all of you dealing with winter storms please be safe!
I must get back to sleep so I can get better!
Finally I made it to Morristown where I was greeted by my Grandpa and Aunt. We had a relaxing night catching up and eating delicious Boston Creme Pie. The next day (Christmas Eve!) Grandma took me to lunch at my favorite place- Friendlys! It was so nice to just have a grandmother/granddaughter outing!
We all got ready for midnight mass and headed over to St. Virgils to celebrate Christmas! This is definitely my favorite mass by far and although it was a beautiful service I very much missed Transfiguration- my home church. And I was desperately missing my normal family traditions but again I really enjoyed spending the quality time with my grandparents/aunt.
Christmas morning was soon upon us and it was filled with laughter, singing, eating and of course opening presents. After we had opened all our gifts, I brought down my computer to have a Skype Christmas with my family in Acworth. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the day! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family and I thank God every day for all he's given me.
Thank you so much for the gifts!!
Unfortunately I began getting a horrible cough while I was out of town and by the time I was supposed to leave this morning I was miserable. I made it into the city but had to call into work sick and spent almost all of today in bed sleeping. I did, however, manage to get up and take a few pics of the incredible snow from the blizzard!! It had just started to snow when I left this morning and by mid afternoon it was everywhere! After hearing all about the South getting a White Christmas I was quite jealous but I'm pretty sure I got enough snow today to last a good while!Blizzard!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and for all of you dealing with winter storms please be safe!
I must get back to sleep so I can get better!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Turning the City into my Home
It's been almost two weeks since I moved here and I'm already feeling a change in my job search.
Let me first quickly catch you up on the past two weeks:
I never thought I was going to get here after multiple weather delays but finally after sitting in the Atlanta airport for hours I made it to New York. Then after waiting an hour for my bag I waited on my shuttle. Two and a half hours after landing I finally walked through the doors of my new home.
Unfortunately Vicki came down with what I'm convinced was food poisoning and I spent the next few hours caring for my sick best friend. During this time Vicki's cousin Camilla was flying in from England to spend a few days in NYC. I also became Camilla's official NY greeter as we decided to stay out of Vicki's room in the slight chance she had a virus.
Thankfully Vicki returned to full speed after a day or so and then it was off to explore NYC with the Brit. Basically it was a full 5 days of sight seeing and adventures! Saturday was spent at the Auburn Bar cheering on our Auburn Tigers in the SEC Championship! We are officially Glendale bound! WAHOO! There were more than 600 Auburn fans that filled up two bars! We had a blast! I even gave Camilla an American football lesson, haha. I was sad to see Camilla leave but I've told her that now she has to be my tour guide when I venture across the pond!
Vicki and I at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Playing around at FAO Schwarz
Christmas decorations at Tiffany
Me, Vicki and Camilla in Times Square
Four days after moving here I was already hard at work at my new seasonal job. I accepted a short term position at Barnes and Noble (Union Square aka the biggest B&N in the country!). I have worked nearly every day since and it's been fun! Great people and I even got to bag Uma Thurman's books when she came in with her kids!
Next came my 23rd birthday.
A few of you know (mainly from the text messages you received- cough cough Andrea cough cough) that I had a little bit of a mental breakdown the night before my birthday. I was severely missing my friends and depressed about not coming home for the holidays. After crying myself to sleep- yes I'll admit it- I woke up the next day with bloodshot eyes, two emails and 90 million notifications on FB.
The two emails where about job/paid internship interviews! So of course that started my day off on the right foot! The rest of the day was spent applying to jobs and relaxing as it was my first day off from work since I'd started. It was a little lonely but I enjoyed Skyping with my friends and family as they wished me a happy birthday.
That night I met up with Vicki and we went out to celebrate at Max Brenners Chocolate by the Bald Man! And dang it was delicious! It was a perfect way to end my day and I was so grateful to spend it with one of my closest friends.
Smores Sundae at Max Brenners for my birthday
Yesterday I woke up early and caught a train out to Morristown to spend the day with my grandparents! They had asked me to come in so we could celebrate my birthday and I was very excited to see them. I enjoyed a nice dinner where they surprised me with a delicious birthday cake and then I had to head back into the city.
As for today- (finally caught up!) I had an interview for a paid internship and I really loved the company/everyone I met! Things seem to be looking up and I really hope I get an offer for something soon so I can tell you all about it!
By the way, I'm still trying to come with a new title. So as soon as I decide on the perfect one I will change it!
PS. As soon as I finished this post I looked out the window and it was SNOWING! So of course I ran up to the rooftop to play in it :-)
Let me first quickly catch you up on the past two weeks:
I never thought I was going to get here after multiple weather delays but finally after sitting in the Atlanta airport for hours I made it to New York. Then after waiting an hour for my bag I waited on my shuttle. Two and a half hours after landing I finally walked through the doors of my new home.
Unfortunately Vicki came down with what I'm convinced was food poisoning and I spent the next few hours caring for my sick best friend. During this time Vicki's cousin Camilla was flying in from England to spend a few days in NYC. I also became Camilla's official NY greeter as we decided to stay out of Vicki's room in the slight chance she had a virus.
Thankfully Vicki returned to full speed after a day or so and then it was off to explore NYC with the Brit. Basically it was a full 5 days of sight seeing and adventures! Saturday was spent at the Auburn Bar cheering on our Auburn Tigers in the SEC Championship! We are officially Glendale bound! WAHOO! There were more than 600 Auburn fans that filled up two bars! We had a blast! I even gave Camilla an American football lesson, haha. I was sad to see Camilla leave but I've told her that now she has to be my tour guide when I venture across the pond!
Vicki and I at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Playing around at FAO Schwarz
Christmas decorations at Tiffany
Me, Vicki and Camilla in Times Square

After winning the SEC Championship!
Next came my 23rd birthday.
A few of you know (mainly from the text messages you received- cough cough Andrea cough cough) that I had a little bit of a mental breakdown the night before my birthday. I was severely missing my friends and depressed about not coming home for the holidays. After crying myself to sleep- yes I'll admit it- I woke up the next day with bloodshot eyes, two emails and 90 million notifications on FB.
The two emails where about job/paid internship interviews! So of course that started my day off on the right foot! The rest of the day was spent applying to jobs and relaxing as it was my first day off from work since I'd started. It was a little lonely but I enjoyed Skyping with my friends and family as they wished me a happy birthday.
That night I met up with Vicki and we went out to celebrate at Max Brenners Chocolate by the Bald Man! And dang it was delicious! It was a perfect way to end my day and I was so grateful to spend it with one of my closest friends.
Smores Sundae at Max Brenners for my birthday
Yesterday I woke up early and caught a train out to Morristown to spend the day with my grandparents! They had asked me to come in so we could celebrate my birthday and I was very excited to see them. I enjoyed a nice dinner where they surprised me with a delicious birthday cake and then I had to head back into the city.
As for today- (finally caught up!) I had an interview for a paid internship and I really loved the company/everyone I met! Things seem to be looking up and I really hope I get an offer for something soon so I can tell you all about it!
By the way, I'm still trying to come with a new title. So as soon as I decide on the perfect one I will change it!
PS. As soon as I finished this post I looked out the window and it was SNOWING! So of course I ran up to the rooftop to play in it :-)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Twas the night before 23...
Hey there everyone-
I've been up in NYC for a week now and I'm really loving it. I'm all settled in my little cozy room at The Markle now that all my boxes have been delivered. I'm terribly sorry for the delay on this blog but I wanted to wait until I came up with a new Blog title....well I still haven't so I decided I'd write one on my last night of being 22 and kind of sum up the last year.
One year ago I was up studying for the final that I had on my birthday-story of my college life. Never would I have guessed that exactly one year later I would be writing from New York City. I'd dreamed of it but back then it was still just a fantasy.
All I wanted was to graduate. I knew that I was getting so close and all I had to do was make it through my last few classes before I could get that diploma. Don't get me wrong- I am SO happy that I am not in classes anymore. Seeing everyone's FB statuses regarding finals gives me nightmares of years past. But not seeing the beautiful faces of my best friends every day (minus Vicki-I get to see her beautiful face all the time!) is severely depressing sometimes. And I'd gotten so used to seeing my family all the time that it's been a strange transition again like when I first went to Auburn.
So on this eve of my 23rd birthday I can't help but think how much as happened in a year. Where will I be next year when I'm nearly 24? (omg I just had a slight panic attack) What is in store for me this year? The good...the bad...the ugly....the great? A job? A real job? Maybe this time next year I'll be doing something with my life that I never saw coming...
Guess I'll just have to wait and see!
I promise that I will fill you all in on everything that is going on up here as soon as I can!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Last post under Graduate Confidential
These past few weeks have been insane. From announcing my move to NYC, going to Auburn, lots of football, going to a wedding in Chapel Hill, Thrashers games and packing for NYC, I haven't exactly had a lot of time to blog.
However, with tomorrow being my last full day in Acworth I figured today would be a good day for updates.
Lately I've been feeling rather nostalgic and despite my complaints over the last four months, I've really had a great time being here. I'm so incredibly excited about this move to New York but I can't help this nervous feeling. I'd be crazy if I wasn't a little nervous, right?! I'm really taking a leap of faith here and I'm praying it works out in my favor.
As most of you know I'm leaving December 1 instead of the original date of November 30 but for those who didn't-now you do!
December is by far my favorite month but this year is going to be strangely different. I'm so glad that Vicki is going to be in NYC with me so that I don't have to spend my 23rd birthday alone. I'm so used to not spending my birthday with my family anymore due to college but I was going to be really sad if I didn't have any friends around.
Also, this year I won't be returning to Acworth for Christmas. Despite being in the most beautiful city during the most beautiful time of year it is going to be very sad that I'm not spending Christmas with my family. I do however think I'll take the train into New Jersey and spend the Holiday with my grandparents. But it won't be the same without my normal traditions.
Although the end of this year is going to be extremely different from all others, I'm beyond excited to start this new journey.
I'm ready to let the chips fall as they may.
I have to stop procrastinating on my packing now and the next post will be from my new room in New York City!
Until then!
However, with tomorrow being my last full day in Acworth I figured today would be a good day for updates.
Lately I've been feeling rather nostalgic and despite my complaints over the last four months, I've really had a great time being here. I'm so incredibly excited about this move to New York but I can't help this nervous feeling. I'd be crazy if I wasn't a little nervous, right?! I'm really taking a leap of faith here and I'm praying it works out in my favor.
As most of you know I'm leaving December 1 instead of the original date of November 30 but for those who didn't-now you do!
December is by far my favorite month but this year is going to be strangely different. I'm so glad that Vicki is going to be in NYC with me so that I don't have to spend my 23rd birthday alone. I'm so used to not spending my birthday with my family anymore due to college but I was going to be really sad if I didn't have any friends around.
Also, this year I won't be returning to Acworth for Christmas. Despite being in the most beautiful city during the most beautiful time of year it is going to be very sad that I'm not spending Christmas with my family. I do however think I'll take the train into New Jersey and spend the Holiday with my grandparents. But it won't be the same without my normal traditions.
Although the end of this year is going to be extremely different from all others, I'm beyond excited to start this new journey.
I'm ready to let the chips fall as they may.
I have to stop procrastinating on my packing now and the next post will be from my new room in New York City!
Until then!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Big lights will inspire you, let's hear it for NEW YORK!
I can't believe I'm finally writing this blog!
I'm moving to New York City! I'M MOVING TO NEW YORK CITY!!!
For months I have heard that the only way I'm going to break into the NYC PR biz is to move there. So that is what I'm doing. I have accepted a job at a restaurant right by NYU so that I can prove to everyone that I am serious about New York. Apparently because I am still in Atlanta I'm not getting taken seriously. Which I understand! I can't imagine how many applicants say, "I'm going to apply to every firm in NYC because it's my dream!"
Well yes this is my dream too but I'm 120% serious.
I'm so incredibly excited to be moving into The Markle at the end of the month. This place is such a fabulous starter home for young professionals in Manhattan. No way would I ever be able to afford Greenwich Village otherwise! Not to mention one of my best friends is already living there!
I'm now on the lookout for paid PR internships (PT or FT) as well as entry level positions. I want to get the agency experience that is expected of me therefore if you know of any leads please let me know!
There are so many emotions running through my mind and I'm really going to need all your support! I know I can do this! It's going to be tough but like I've always said, I am going to do ANYTHING in order to reach my dream.
I'm ready to take my first big step.
New York City, see you in 18 days!
I'm moving to New York City! I'M MOVING TO NEW YORK CITY!!!
For months I have heard that the only way I'm going to break into the NYC PR biz is to move there. So that is what I'm doing. I have accepted a job at a restaurant right by NYU so that I can prove to everyone that I am serious about New York. Apparently because I am still in Atlanta I'm not getting taken seriously. Which I understand! I can't imagine how many applicants say, "I'm going to apply to every firm in NYC because it's my dream!"
Well yes this is my dream too but I'm 120% serious.
I'm so incredibly excited to be moving into The Markle at the end of the month. This place is such a fabulous starter home for young professionals in Manhattan. No way would I ever be able to afford Greenwich Village otherwise! Not to mention one of my best friends is already living there!
I'm now on the lookout for paid PR internships (PT or FT) as well as entry level positions. I want to get the agency experience that is expected of me therefore if you know of any leads please let me know!
There are so many emotions running through my mind and I'm really going to need all your support! I know I can do this! It's going to be tough but like I've always said, I am going to do ANYTHING in order to reach my dream.
I'm ready to take my first big step.
New York City, see you in 18 days!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It's been nearly a month since I left for my NY trip and all I keep thinking about is how I can get back as soon as possible. School never prepares you for the highs and lows of post graduate life. Yes, I've had my fair share of failures but this helpless feeling of entrapment isn't something I've had to experience before.
I have my good days and bad days. There are times when all I want to do is lay in bed and cry. But what good does that do me? Don't get me wrong, I normally feel much better if I just sit in my room and cry for a moment or two but that can't last forever. But I also can't just bottle it up or I'd explode.
Every day this gets harder. I thought it would get easier with time but I was sadly mistaken. Every moment I feel further away from college life and more sucked in to the job hunt black hole. I feel opportunities slipping away from me that I have no control over.
So as October comes to a close and November begins I keep thinking this is not what I visioned. This is not where I wanted to be. The days/weeks/months are flying by. In just a little over a month I'll be 23.
...23 years old...
I am vowing to myself that I will do everything to the best of my ability to make the last few weeks of my 22nd year worth it. I will do whatever I can to reach my dream. And to those who are beginning to tell me that I should start being realistic and dream a little smaller- you obviously don't know me.
I've never dreamed small and I don't plan on starting today.
I have my good days and bad days. There are times when all I want to do is lay in bed and cry. But what good does that do me? Don't get me wrong, I normally feel much better if I just sit in my room and cry for a moment or two but that can't last forever. But I also can't just bottle it up or I'd explode.
Every day this gets harder. I thought it would get easier with time but I was sadly mistaken. Every moment I feel further away from college life and more sucked in to the job hunt black hole. I feel opportunities slipping away from me that I have no control over.
So as October comes to a close and November begins I keep thinking this is not what I visioned. This is not where I wanted to be. The days/weeks/months are flying by. In just a little over a month I'll be 23.
...23 years old...
I am vowing to myself that I will do everything to the best of my ability to make the last few weeks of my 22nd year worth it. I will do whatever I can to reach my dream. And to those who are beginning to tell me that I should start being realistic and dream a little smaller- you obviously don't know me.
I've never dreamed small and I don't plan on starting today.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Goodbye NYC- But hopefully not for long!
What an amazing 11 days I had up in New York! Thank you to everyone who made this trip so fabulous! Alright so to catch you up on the last few days we'll have to go back to Friday!
Started the day off by catching a 5:50AM (yes...AM!!) train to NY Penn so I could get another train to Long Island. I had a second interview out in Lake Success, which in total was about an hour away from Penn Station. It was beautiful out there! I passed the US Open tennis courts on my train ride too!
After a long but fun morning, I made it back to Manhattan to meet up with Vicki. We headed up to Times Square to walk around for a bit before walking over to Mood! Vicki and I are big fans of Project Runway and if you watch the show you are well aware of what Mood is! I have never seen so much fabric in my life! It made me wish I could design clothes! We even saw Swatch- the adorable dog that is always in the store.
Since we were going to places that represented our favorite NYC shows, I HAD to stop by Kleinfeld AKA Say Yes To The Dress! It was just a short walk from The Markle and although I didn't go inside I did see consultant Sarah from the window! It was definitely a highlight of my trip, haha.
Saturday, I said my goodbyes to my Aunt, Grandma and Grandpa as they dropped me off at the train. So glad I got to spend some time with them!
There I was waiting for the 8:30am train and then BAM! It happened! I had a War Eagle moment at this small little train station in New Jersey! Realizing that I was wearing my All Auburn, All Orange shirt in honor of game day, I turned around and met a cute little family that actually lives in Auburn and was up visiting family as well. The cutest part was the 2-year-old who kept yelling War Eagle and singing "All i do is WIN WIN WIN!" It was hilarious and a fabulous was to start my Saturday!
By 2pm, Vicki and I were sitting in a beautiful theatre ready to see Promises, Promises staring Kristin Chenoweth (original Glinda from Wicked) and Sean Hayes (Jack from Will&Grace)! It was SO good!! I definitely recommend seeing it if you can!
After the show, we booked it down to Vicki's so that we could change back into our Auburn attire and head over to the Auburn Bar to watch the game! We had a blast and thank goodness that we pulled out the win! It was definitely a great way to end my NYC trip!
Vicki and I said our goodbyes early Sunday morning as I was off to catch my flight and she was off to start her first day at Anthropologie. I was sad to go but I know that something will work out for me soon!
Overall, I had THE best 11 days. I met amazing people, went to great meetings and had a blast with one of my best friends. Now that I'm back home I'm more determined than ever to get back up there permanently!
Started the day off by catching a 5:50AM (yes...AM!!) train to NY Penn so I could get another train to Long Island. I had a second interview out in Lake Success, which in total was about an hour away from Penn Station. It was beautiful out there! I passed the US Open tennis courts on my train ride too!
After a long but fun morning, I made it back to Manhattan to meet up with Vicki. We headed up to Times Square to walk around for a bit before walking over to Mood! Vicki and I are big fans of Project Runway and if you watch the show you are well aware of what Mood is! I have never seen so much fabric in my life! It made me wish I could design clothes! We even saw Swatch- the adorable dog that is always in the store.
Since we were going to places that represented our favorite NYC shows, I HAD to stop by Kleinfeld AKA Say Yes To The Dress! It was just a short walk from The Markle and although I didn't go inside I did see consultant Sarah from the window! It was definitely a highlight of my trip, haha.
Saturday, I said my goodbyes to my Aunt, Grandma and Grandpa as they dropped me off at the train. So glad I got to spend some time with them!
There I was waiting for the 8:30am train and then BAM! It happened! I had a War Eagle moment at this small little train station in New Jersey! Realizing that I was wearing my All Auburn, All Orange shirt in honor of game day, I turned around and met a cute little family that actually lives in Auburn and was up visiting family as well. The cutest part was the 2-year-old who kept yelling War Eagle and singing "All i do is WIN WIN WIN!" It was hilarious and a fabulous was to start my Saturday!
By 2pm, Vicki and I were sitting in a beautiful theatre ready to see Promises, Promises staring Kristin Chenoweth (original Glinda from Wicked) and Sean Hayes (Jack from Will&Grace)! It was SO good!! I definitely recommend seeing it if you can!
After the show, we booked it down to Vicki's so that we could change back into our Auburn attire and head over to the Auburn Bar to watch the game! We had a blast and thank goodness that we pulled out the win! It was definitely a great way to end my NYC trip!
Vicki and I said our goodbyes early Sunday morning as I was off to catch my flight and she was off to start her first day at Anthropologie. I was sad to go but I know that something will work out for me soon!
Overall, I had THE best 11 days. I met amazing people, went to great meetings and had a blast with one of my best friends. Now that I'm back home I'm more determined than ever to get back up there permanently!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Just a little Touristy
Nearly 10 full hours in the city today and every second was completely worth it! This morning began with an amazing interview near Central Park and my day ended with a stroll around Times Square. And so much happened in between...
I love going to Brooklyn and I love walking across the Brooklyn Bridge even more. After eating a delicious pizza from Grimaldi's, we walked back to Manhattan and took in the amazing views of the city. We even stopped to watch our favorite artist (who is STILL in the exact same place he was back in '09!) who does the most spectacular art from spray paint. It really is unbelievable.
Canal Street is something everyone just has to experience in order to understand how this insane street operates. So naturally I go everytime I'm in town.
We took a quick breather back at Vicki's room before finishing our day in Times Square. I hadn't been during my trip yet so I definitely wanted to go. I don't care that people say real New Yorker's avoid Times Square- I love it so I'm going. We hit up M&M world, saw the infamous Naked Cowboy and I even said my goodbyes to Phantom since it is going off Broadway soon. I'm also proud to say that I bought my first authentic Yankees hat too! Wahoo!
Well, must head out because...I have a 2nd round interview tomorrow! YAY!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Two Cupcake's Please
After a few busy days in the city it was nice to relax in Morristown for the day. You don't realize how physically and emotionally draining interviews are until you get a chance to sit down for a few hours. Granted, I wouldn't have it any other way- interviews get you jobs so I will do as many as it takes until someone takes a chance on me!
Yesterday was a lot of fun. I had two meetings that were completely opposite of eachother. I learned a great deal from both! I also had the opportunity to meet Lauren, a sweet girl who read my blog and reached out to me via Twitter. It was so great to meet her in person!

I have my last interview tomorrow so I'm off to bed.
Thanks to everyone who is keeping me in your thoughts and prayers! It's greatly appreciated :-)
Monday, October 4, 2010
And the rain continues
I'm not sure why I seem to always bring extremely rainy weather to New York but it's becoming a little odd! It has rained every day that I've been in the city thus far and while I lived here last summer it was recorded as one of the most rainy summers in NYC history. Hmm...
Oh well! Rain all you want because I don't care!
Today was fabulous!! I got into the city a little early (and by a little early I mean over an hour, haha but what can I say- I'm time obsessed) so that I could not only find my first interview in plenty of time but I got to stop by my favorite bagel shop too!!!!!!!! For those who didn't read my blog while I interned you should know that I dedicated an entire blog post to how much I love Bagel Maven. Therefore it was only appropriate that I make the 2 block detour to get my morning bagel.
I walked over to the Manhattan Mall to eat this fabulous bagel before I headed off to Union Square. I'm not going to say where exactly I went yet (maybe in a week or so) but let's just say that they are very well known and I had the best time there today! Not to mention the office was breathtakingly gorgeous.
I then managed to walk in the rain back to the subway and get all the way up to Grand Central wearing heels. I don't think miracle is a strong enough word to describe how relieved I am that I didn't slip/trip/fall during my journey. I would be that person to fall all the way down the subway entrance...but lucky it did not happen and please pray it never does. Haha.
I then had lunch with a good friend who I've stayed in contact with since he interviewed me this past summer. It was great to catch up!
The rest of the day was spent in Morristown where I've been relaxing and preparing for my meetings tomorrow.
In other good news- PR is now officially running in the Pinto family! Colleen was accepted into UGA's Grady School of Journalism as a Public Relations major today! Yay!
More tomorrow!
PS. These "short" blogs never turn out to be short....haha
Oh well! Rain all you want because I don't care!
Today was fabulous!! I got into the city a little early (and by a little early I mean over an hour, haha but what can I say- I'm time obsessed) so that I could not only find my first interview in plenty of time but I got to stop by my favorite bagel shop too!!!!!!!! For those who didn't read my blog while I interned you should know that I dedicated an entire blog post to how much I love Bagel Maven. Therefore it was only appropriate that I make the 2 block detour to get my morning bagel.
I walked over to the Manhattan Mall to eat this fabulous bagel before I headed off to Union Square. I'm not going to say where exactly I went yet (maybe in a week or so) but let's just say that they are very well known and I had the best time there today! Not to mention the office was breathtakingly gorgeous.
I then managed to walk in the rain back to the subway and get all the way up to Grand Central wearing heels. I don't think miracle is a strong enough word to describe how relieved I am that I didn't slip/trip/fall during my journey. I would be that person to fall all the way down the subway entrance...but lucky it did not happen and please pray it never does. Haha.
I then had lunch with a good friend who I've stayed in contact with since he interviewed me this past summer. It was great to catch up!
The rest of the day was spent in Morristown where I've been relaxing and preparing for my meetings tomorrow.
In other good news- PR is now officially running in the Pinto family! Colleen was accepted into UGA's Grady School of Journalism as a Public Relations major today! Yay!
More tomorrow!
PS. These "short" blogs never turn out to be short....haha
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Off to the 'burbs
Hey everyone! I'm writing today from Morristown, NJ at my grandparents house where I'll be staying the rest of my trip. Vicki came in with me for the weekend too and I think she's enjoying the small amount of time away from the city. It can be really overwhelming in NYC so a trip out to Jersey is a great way to relax.
Okay- let's rewind to Thursday night when we attended the PRSA event. Overall, we had a great time and we met some really nice people but it was not easy at first. The venue was at a bar up by Grand Central Station and it was so dark that it was difficult to see! It was a cool vibe for a hip NYC bar but for a networking event it was a little much. After 30 or so minutes we struck up a few good conversations and let's just say it's amazing how small the world of PR is! Remember when I posted and said I was featured on Lauren Novo's blog as the PR Job Seeker of the Week? Well one of the girls I talked to went to school with her and is interviewing at a few of the firms that I interviewed at this summer! So of course we talked the entire time about each company and what we were both looking for in a job. Vicki also hit it off with a girl who also was a DG who worked in magazines and knew the lady that Vicki is interning for! So after a rocky start it ended up being a great night!
Yesterday, the weather was disgusting! We woke up early for breakfast and decided to walk over to Chelsea Market. I thought were going to be blown away on our walk it was so windy! Then we headed down to Little Italy for lunch at my favorite place called La Mela. Then we headed back to the Markel so I could get my things together for my first info meeting. It went really well and I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with the company. Then we packed up our bags and we were off to Penn Station for a weekend in NJ!
So that should catch you up on everything so far! We're about to take a walk to Friendly's for lunch and then watch some Auburn Football!!!
I'm really excited about this week and I can't wait to share it all with you! Keep checking back for updates!
Okay- let's rewind to Thursday night when we attended the PRSA event. Overall, we had a great time and we met some really nice people but it was not easy at first. The venue was at a bar up by Grand Central Station and it was so dark that it was difficult to see! It was a cool vibe for a hip NYC bar but for a networking event it was a little much. After 30 or so minutes we struck up a few good conversations and let's just say it's amazing how small the world of PR is! Remember when I posted and said I was featured on Lauren Novo's blog as the PR Job Seeker of the Week? Well one of the girls I talked to went to school with her and is interviewing at a few of the firms that I interviewed at this summer! So of course we talked the entire time about each company and what we were both looking for in a job. Vicki also hit it off with a girl who also was a DG who worked in magazines and knew the lady that Vicki is interning for! So after a rocky start it ended up being a great night!
Yesterday, the weather was disgusting! We woke up early for breakfast and decided to walk over to Chelsea Market. I thought were going to be blown away on our walk it was so windy! Then we headed down to Little Italy for lunch at my favorite place called La Mela. Then we headed back to the Markel so I could get my things together for my first info meeting. It went really well and I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with the company. Then we packed up our bags and we were off to Penn Station for a weekend in NJ!
So that should catch you up on everything so far! We're about to take a walk to Friendly's for lunch and then watch some Auburn Football!!!
I'm really excited about this week and I can't wait to share it all with you! Keep checking back for updates!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Amanda & Vicki in the City
Despite horrible weather in Manhattan all morning, delayed flights, multiple modes of transportation and hours of traveling...I'm finally back in New York City!
The feeling that I'm back home always seems to rush over me the second I enter this fabulous city. I'm so excited to be able to come back for a week to visit friends, family and most importantly to find me a JOB that will allow me to officially call New York my home!
I decided that instead of writing a ridiculously long blog at the end of my trip, I would try to write each day about my activities. So far today Vicki and I have traveled over to Hoboken in order to indulge our pastry cravings at Carlo's Bakery! For those who remember my blog this summer about me stopping by the Cake Boss bakery, you will be pleasantly surprised to hear that there was no line and we were in and out in 15! Perfect!
Now that I've settled into The Markel (Vicki's new home and my hopefully soon to be home!) we are getting ready to attend the PRSA NYC event tonight! I think it's going to be a lot of fun and I'll be sure to tell you all about it!
That's all for now!
Keep sending those good job vibes up here! I have a feeling that this trip is going to be fabulous!
PS. Ashley Olsen totally lives across the street. Future BFF? I think so!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
NYC Trip Announcement
September 22, 2010 Blog from Amanda Pinto on Vimeo.
Twitter: @AmandaLPinto
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Where is My Window?
Disappointment and rejection are unfortunately things that we have to deal with throughout life. Those disappointments and rejections are supposed to make you stronger- and they do whether you see it or not. But how many disappointments and rejections can someone take before they break down?
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that I learn valuable lessons after each and every interview but I can't help the feeling that I'm trapped with all closed doors surrounding me. Every time I think I see an open door, it closes on me just as I think I'm going to walk through.
How can I get the experience that everyone is expecting from me without giving me the opportunity to get that experience? I've spent 4 years pouring myself into all things PR and yet I still don't seem to have enough. I know that if I was given a chance then I would far exceed everything someone wanted. Someone take a leap of faith on me.
It has officially been over a month since I graduated and each day gets harder. It gets harder to not break down. It gets harder not to give up. It gets harder to hear bad news.
Despite rejection and disappointment, I will NOT give up. I will not lose confidence in myself. I will continue being who I am and as hard as it is for me to believe sometimes, I will get my shot.
I'm no longer looking for the next open door. I'm looking for my window.
So for those of you who are also in my boat- Don't give up! We can do this. It's not going to be easy by any means but we will get there. I have faith in us!
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that I learn valuable lessons after each and every interview but I can't help the feeling that I'm trapped with all closed doors surrounding me. Every time I think I see an open door, it closes on me just as I think I'm going to walk through.
How can I get the experience that everyone is expecting from me without giving me the opportunity to get that experience? I've spent 4 years pouring myself into all things PR and yet I still don't seem to have enough. I know that if I was given a chance then I would far exceed everything someone wanted. Someone take a leap of faith on me.
It has officially been over a month since I graduated and each day gets harder. It gets harder to not break down. It gets harder not to give up. It gets harder to hear bad news.
Despite rejection and disappointment, I will NOT give up. I will not lose confidence in myself. I will continue being who I am and as hard as it is for me to believe sometimes, I will get my shot.
I'm no longer looking for the next open door. I'm looking for my window.
So for those of you who are also in my boat- Don't give up! We can do this. It's not going to be easy by any means but we will get there. I have faith in us!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hey everyone!!
So sorry for the lack of posts lately! Lots of things have been happening on the job front and I haven't been talking about them because I don't want to get my hopes up. But I promise that as soon as I know something I will blog about it!!!
I'm off to Auburn for the weekend!
So sorry for the lack of posts lately! Lots of things have been happening on the job front and I haven't been talking about them because I don't want to get my hopes up. But I promise that as soon as I know something I will blog about it!!!
I'm off to Auburn for the weekend!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
This Month's Gunna Be a Good Month!
It's hard to believe that September is upon us. I believe this month will bring forth great things for me!
1) Auburn football kicks off in the season opener this Saturday at 7pm in Jordan-Hare Stadium! I'm sure the 87,451 capacity stadium will be packed. Students and Alums alike will being tailgating early Saturday morning as they prepare to cheer on the Tigers and our brand new QB! I can already feel the Auburn spirit in the air and as much as I wish I could be down to watch the game in person, I'm okay with sitting in the air conditioning and not buying $9 water. (This pic is from my first ever Auburn game back in 2006!)
2) I can feel the subtle hints of FALL!!! I'm pretty pumped about entering into my favorite time of year! Fall and Winter are my absolute favorite seasons. At night we've been able to open the back porch and feel the cool breeze which unfortunately fades once the sun comes up. I'm ready for long sleeves, scarfs and sweaters :-)
3) Of course I have to mention the job hunt. It's been a difficult few weeks to say the least but nothing good ever comes to those who don't try. And I've been putting 110% into this and I would be lying if I said it wasn't discouraging to not hear back from people. Which brings me to something I have never been able to understand. (If you are reading this and have some insight other than that they are just busy please comment.) Why is it so hard to email someone back? I understand if we have never made contact before but what about the people who email you back one time and then never answer you again? Was it something I said or didn't say? I don't know. If you filled the position that you were talking to me about, would you please just let me know so I'm not still hoping for you to call with an offer? (Also...this isn't complaining-I'm honestly just curious!)
So now you all can safely assume that lack of communication is a major pet peeve of mine. But I know that not all people are like me so I'm doing my very best to stay patient.
Again, I would like to thank everyone who continues to give me encouragement during this time.
It will all pay off in September!! This is MY month and I couldn't be more determined!!
War Eagle!!!!!!!
1) Auburn football kicks off in the season opener this Saturday at 7pm in Jordan-Hare Stadium! I'm sure the 87,451 capacity stadium will be packed. Students and Alums alike will being tailgating early Saturday morning as they prepare to cheer on the Tigers and our brand new QB! I can already feel the Auburn spirit in the air and as much as I wish I could be down to watch the game in person, I'm okay with sitting in the air conditioning and not buying $9 water. (This pic is from my first ever Auburn game back in 2006!)
2) I can feel the subtle hints of FALL!!! I'm pretty pumped about entering into my favorite time of year! Fall and Winter are my absolute favorite seasons. At night we've been able to open the back porch and feel the cool breeze which unfortunately fades once the sun comes up. I'm ready for long sleeves, scarfs and sweaters :-)
3) Of course I have to mention the job hunt. It's been a difficult few weeks to say the least but nothing good ever comes to those who don't try. And I've been putting 110% into this and I would be lying if I said it wasn't discouraging to not hear back from people. Which brings me to something I have never been able to understand. (If you are reading this and have some insight other than that they are just busy please comment.) Why is it so hard to email someone back? I understand if we have never made contact before but what about the people who email you back one time and then never answer you again? Was it something I said or didn't say? I don't know. If you filled the position that you were talking to me about, would you please just let me know so I'm not still hoping for you to call with an offer? (Also...this isn't complaining-I'm honestly just curious!)
So now you all can safely assume that lack of communication is a major pet peeve of mine. But I know that not all people are like me so I'm doing my very best to stay patient.
Again, I would like to thank everyone who continues to give me encouragement during this time.
It will all pay off in September!! This is MY month and I couldn't be more determined!!
War Eagle!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Happy 1st Anniversary #PRStudChat!
Using Twitter to network has been my site of choice these last few months. I love so many things about it but one thing I really love are the chats. #PRStudChat started one year ago and has helped numerous students, professionals and professors in the PR world connect in a way that is simply fabulous!
I've thoroughly enjoyed chatting with people from across the country and even people overseas!
Tonight there were more than 200 participates that added up more than 2,000 tweets in only one hour!! How amazing is that? Special guest Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia) joined in the chat tonight as well.
There were six questions asked tonight and now I will ask you the same ones. What are your opinions/answers on these questions?
-Q6 What advice do you have for today’s students on how to make the most of social media?
Great questions that led to creative and insightful conversations. A major shout out to Valerie Simon for being so involved in #PRStudChat along with #HAPPO! You're amazing Valerie!
Join in the chat and you won't be disappointed!!!
I've thoroughly enjoyed chatting with people from across the country and even people overseas!
Tonight there were more than 200 participates that added up more than 2,000 tweets in only one hour!! How amazing is that? Special guest Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia) joined in the chat tonight as well.
There were six questions asked tonight and now I will ask you the same ones. What are your opinions/answers on these questions?
-Q1 How do professionals who represent a brand participate on Wikipedia?
-Q2 As a source, where does Wikipedia fall on the trust barometer?
-Q3 What other platforms are great for student learning/community collaboration?
-Q4 What do you do if you see negative and/or incorrect information on Wikipedia?
-Q5 Do you think social media blurs the lines for students in the Digital Age? See NYT article:
Great questions that led to creative and insightful conversations. A major shout out to Valerie Simon for being so involved in #PRStudChat along with #HAPPO! You're amazing Valerie!
Join in the chat and you won't be disappointed!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
New Chapter...New Blog Title!
So if you haven't taken notice to the new name, allow me to introduce it! This is the third chapter of this blog and man has it evolved! I decided to title this one "Graduate Confidential" ( I felt "Give me a job PLEASE" was a little too in your face...haha) and I'm excited to share this time that I'm in limbo with you all.
I'm praying that this blog chapter doesn't last long and that it turns into something more along the lines of "Employed". But until that day happens, I'm excited to write under this title.
I've been officially an alum for 8 days now and I when I was back at Auburn last week for my goodbye visit I definitely got a reality check. I wanted to go back to say goodbye to all my friends but more specifically my sorority sisters. For those who don't know, I'm a proud sister of Kappa Alpha Theta and the years I got to spend in it where the best two years of my college career.
Last week was rush week (or now the politically correct name-Recruitment) and it was extremely hard to see all my friends fb statuses about all being in the chapter room and all that jazz. Walking into the chapter room after Prefs were over was like a huge slap in the face. All my sisters were sitting there in beautiful black dresses and I was an outsider. I no longer felt like I belonged there. I felt old. Haha.
I'm so incredibly glad that I got the chance to stay for Bid Day and meet as many baby Theta's as I possibly could. Until 10am on Saturday I could name every single person in my chapter and now there are 75 beautiful new little kites that I will never have the opportunity to get to know.
Words don't even describe how proud I am of my Gamma Omega girls and all the hard work they have put in to getting a new pledge class. Congratulations girls!
It was sad leaving Auburn on Saturday afternoon but I'm very proud of myself for the small amount of tears shed. I know I'll go back to visit soon but right now I need to stay away so that I can actually transition out of being a college student.
I'm still emailing/researching firms every day and it's getting harder and harder to open my gmail to an empty inbox. This will not get me down though! I will find a job and I will move to NYC!
I'm praying that this blog chapter doesn't last long and that it turns into something more along the lines of "Employed". But until that day happens, I'm excited to write under this title.
I've been officially an alum for 8 days now and I when I was back at Auburn last week for my goodbye visit I definitely got a reality check. I wanted to go back to say goodbye to all my friends but more specifically my sorority sisters. For those who don't know, I'm a proud sister of Kappa Alpha Theta and the years I got to spend in it where the best two years of my college career.
Last week was rush week (or now the politically correct name-Recruitment) and it was extremely hard to see all my friends fb statuses about all being in the chapter room and all that jazz. Walking into the chapter room after Prefs were over was like a huge slap in the face. All my sisters were sitting there in beautiful black dresses and I was an outsider. I no longer felt like I belonged there. I felt old. Haha.
I'm so incredibly glad that I got the chance to stay for Bid Day and meet as many baby Theta's as I possibly could. Until 10am on Saturday I could name every single person in my chapter and now there are 75 beautiful new little kites that I will never have the opportunity to get to know.
Words don't even describe how proud I am of my Gamma Omega girls and all the hard work they have put in to getting a new pledge class. Congratulations girls!
It was sad leaving Auburn on Saturday afternoon but I'm very proud of myself for the small amount of tears shed. I know I'll go back to visit soon but right now I need to stay away so that I can actually transition out of being a college student.
I'm still emailing/researching firms every day and it's getting harder and harder to open my gmail to an empty inbox. This will not get me down though! I will find a job and I will move to NYC!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
And hold in memory as we do now, Thy cherished name!
It happened! I have officially graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and I couldn't be more excited! It hasn't really hit that I'm actually finished. The day of graduation was completely surreal. I kept looking around and thinking is this really happening? Am I really here? Has four years past already?
It was almost four years ago to the day that I moved into Dowell Hall on the hill at Auburn. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed the events that would happen over the next four years. I have met my best friends, sisters and family here.
My family took me to dinner on Sunday night to one of my favorite restaurants in Atlanta- Maggianio's- to celebrate graduation! It was so fun to have my parents, two sisters, Uncle Rick and Poppy here!
Monday was a long day!! We drove to Auburn from Atlanta which meant an early day- especially since I always want to get places early! We got to Auburn around 11am and took a trip over to the Village so I could get a picture by the Theta chapter room. Recruitment was in full swing so I waited as girls lined up to go into our chapter room. The screams and excitement from Theta about made me burst into tears.
After having lunch and giving a short Auburn history lesson to my Uncle and Poppy, we headed over to the Auburn Hotel to meet up with Vicki and Ashley plus their families! I'm so glad I got to graduate with two of my best friends from freshman year!
We took pictures and relaxed in the air conditioning until the graduates had to leave. We had to be in the coliseum by 1:15 and thank goodness we left early because there was major traffic! We finally got there and found our seats within The College of Liberal Arts and waited for the ceremony to start.
Then before I knew it, we were all standing and singing the Alma Mater- it was over. We'd done it! I made my way to get that hard earned diploma and then we made our way back to Atlanta for a delicious meal made by my dad! (And if you've ever had a meal by my dad then you understand how good it is!!) First item of business? Framing my diploma and hanging it on the wall! Second? Transforming my collegiate car into an alum car!
So now I'm back in Atlanta trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm an Auburn Alum. As of now I'm still job hunting and still have my sights set on New York City! I'm being as patient as I can and I know that something will come along soon.
Thank you so much to everyone who made my graduation an extremely special and unforgettable day!
Becoming an Auburn Graduate! War Eagle! from Amanda Pinto on Vimeo.
It was almost four years ago to the day that I moved into Dowell Hall on the hill at Auburn. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed the events that would happen over the next four years. I have met my best friends, sisters and family here.
My family took me to dinner on Sunday night to one of my favorite restaurants in Atlanta- Maggianio's- to celebrate graduation! It was so fun to have my parents, two sisters, Uncle Rick and Poppy here!
Monday was a long day!! We drove to Auburn from Atlanta which meant an early day- especially since I always want to get places early! We got to Auburn around 11am and took a trip over to the Village so I could get a picture by the Theta chapter room. Recruitment was in full swing so I waited as girls lined up to go into our chapter room. The screams and excitement from Theta about made me burst into tears.
After having lunch and giving a short Auburn history lesson to my Uncle and Poppy, we headed over to the Auburn Hotel to meet up with Vicki and Ashley plus their families! I'm so glad I got to graduate with two of my best friends from freshman year!
We took pictures and relaxed in the air conditioning until the graduates had to leave. We had to be in the coliseum by 1:15 and thank goodness we left early because there was major traffic! We finally got there and found our seats within The College of Liberal Arts and waited for the ceremony to start.
Then before I knew it, we were all standing and singing the Alma Mater- it was over. We'd done it! I made my way to get that hard earned diploma and then we made our way back to Atlanta for a delicious meal made by my dad! (And if you've ever had a meal by my dad then you understand how good it is!!) First item of business? Framing my diploma and hanging it on the wall! Second? Transforming my collegiate car into an alum car!
So now I'm back in Atlanta trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm an Auburn Alum. As of now I'm still job hunting and still have my sights set on New York City! I'm being as patient as I can and I know that something will come along soon.
Thank you so much to everyone who made my graduation an extremely special and unforgettable day!
Becoming an Auburn Graduate! War Eagle! from Amanda Pinto on Vimeo.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Moving Out and Onward
It's been a difficult and busy couple weeks! I officially moved out of my apartment in Auburn on the 27th and it was definitely an emotional day. My dad came down to help me and within two hours all my memories were packed and ready to leave. I went to check my room for the last time and completely broke down in tears.
I always remember people telling me that I needed to enjoy my 4 yrs because they would be over before I knew it...and wow were they right.
I had the best 2 yrs at the Garden District and I am really going to miss it. But when one door closes a new one always opens.
After moving out that Thursday, I went back to Atlanta for a few days. My youngest sister has had way too much fun going through my stuff and figuring out what she can have but hey, at least my stuff can have a home. So now she has my mattress, headboard, painting and more.
On Monday I got to help move my other sister into the Pi Beta Phi house at UGA and that was a lot of fun. I didn't get the chance to move her in for her freshman year because of rush so I was really happy that I got to do it this year. She and her roommate are now proudly displaying our awesome Sips n Strokes painting above their beds and they look fabulous!
I went back to Auburn on Tuesday to finish up my internship and it was weird being back. Thank goodness I have the best friends ever and Vicki let me stay at her house while I finished up my job since I was homeless. I really appreciate it Vicki!!
I was featured yesterday on Lauren Novo's blog as the PR Job Seeker of the Week! It was so fun writing for it and I was so incredibly honored when she contacted me asking if I wanted to be a part of it! Click here to go and read my feature!
2 days until graduation. I'm really excited but I'm really missing my friends and Theta sisters right now. :-( Lots to do before my Uncle and Poppy get into town tomorrow!
I always remember people telling me that I needed to enjoy my 4 yrs because they would be over before I knew it...and wow were they right.
I had the best 2 yrs at the Garden District and I am really going to miss it. But when one door closes a new one always opens.

On Monday I got to help move my other sister into the Pi Beta Phi house at UGA and that was a lot of fun. I didn't get the chance to move her in for her freshman year because of rush so I was really happy that I got to do it this year. She and her roommate are now proudly displaying our awesome Sips n Strokes painting above their beds and they look fabulous!

I was featured yesterday on Lauren Novo's blog as the PR Job Seeker of the Week! It was so fun writing for it and I was so incredibly honored when she contacted me asking if I wanted to be a part of it! Click here to go and read my feature!
2 days until graduation. I'm really excited but I'm really missing my friends and Theta sisters right now. :-( Lots to do before my Uncle and Poppy get into town tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Short Update
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in a week! I promise I will have a more detailed one up shortly!! It's been a crazy few days with moving and getting ready for graduation but I'm going to try really hard to get something posted asap!
6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't posted in a week! I promise I will have a more detailed one up shortly!! It's been a crazy few days with moving and getting ready for graduation but I'm going to try really hard to get something posted asap!
6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I love The College of Liberal Arts!
I just received an email from The College of Liberal Arts and I saw a link that grabbed my attention!
I am so impressed with this video and I had to share it with you all! This is just another reason why I couldn't be more proud to get my degree from this outstanding college. War Eagle!
I am so impressed with this video and I had to share it with you all! This is just another reason why I couldn't be more proud to get my degree from this outstanding college. War Eagle!
Monday, July 26, 2010
The creation of Funky Tree
Sips n Strokes has become a well known business here in Auburn as well as other locations around the south and there's no question on why it's been so successful. What's more fun than getting a few friends together, drinking wine (or whatever beverage you chose) and trying to your best to paint?
It's definitely an experience to say the least!
This past week my little sister Colleen came down to Auburn to visit for a few days/help me pack up my AU life and we had way too much fun on Friday.
We tried really hard to recreate the painting that the person up front was painting along with us but it's more difficult than it looks. The fun thing is that everyone takes their own approach to the paintings so you leave at the end of the night with 70 different takes on one original picture.
I would say that I was getting a little impatient that we didn't start for nearly 30 minutes because people were late. When it says it starts at 7pm that means get there EARLIER not right on time. So those of us who came early had to wait a good hour before we even began to paint. Other than that I really have no complaints about it!
(Don't we have amazing art skills??)
So just a quick little update on my life:
-I move out of my beautiful apartment on Thursday so I've been doing my best to pack. I sent a ton of stuff home with Colleen and it's extremely depressing now that my walls are basically naked.
-Graduation is in exactly TWO WEEKS!!!!!!
-Hmm....and lastly I'm currently reading Water for Elephants thanks to Colleen. So hopefully it's as amazing as she says!
Until next time! <3
It's definitely an experience to say the least!
This past week my little sister Colleen came down to Auburn to visit for a few days/help me pack up my AU life and we had way too much fun on Friday.

The only downfall to Sips n Strokes is the price. By no means is it outrageous but as a poor college student anything above $10 seems expensive. Depending on the painting, the cost is either $25 or $35 and that includes all the paint, brushes and nice canvas. It's a good deal as long as your willing to spend the money.
I would say that I was getting a little impatient that we didn't start for nearly 30 minutes because people were late. When it says it starts at 7pm that means get there EARLIER not right on time. So those of us who came early had to wait a good hour before we even began to paint. Other than that I really have no complaints about it!
(Don't we have amazing art skills??)
So just a quick little update on my life:
-I move out of my beautiful apartment on Thursday so I've been doing my best to pack. I sent a ton of stuff home with Colleen and it's extremely depressing now that my walls are basically naked.
-Graduation is in exactly TWO WEEKS!!!!!!
-Hmm....and lastly I'm currently reading Water for Elephants thanks to Colleen. So hopefully it's as amazing as she says!
Until next time! <3
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