Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary #PRStudChat!

Using Twitter to network has been my site of choice these last few months.  I love so many things about it but one thing I really love are the chats.  #PRStudChat started one year ago and has helped numerous students, professionals and professors in the PR world connect in a way that is simply fabulous! 

I've thoroughly enjoyed chatting with people from across the country and even people overseas! 

Tonight there were more than 200 participates that added up more than 2,000 tweets in only one hour!! How amazing is that?  Special guest Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia) joined in the chat tonight as well.  

There were six questions asked tonight and now I will ask you the same ones.  What are your opinions/answers on these questions?

-Q1 How do professionals who represent a brand participate on Wikipedia?

-Q2 As a source, where does Wikipedia fall on the trust barometer?

-Q3 What other platforms are great for student learning/community collaboration?

-Q4 What do you do if you see negative and/or incorrect information on Wikipedia?

-Q5 Do you think social media blurs the lines for students in the Digital Age? See NYT article:

-Q6 What advice do you have for today’s students on how to make the most of social media?    

Great questions that led to creative and insightful conversations.  A major shout out to Valerie Simon for being so involved in #PRStudChat along with #HAPPO! You're amazing Valerie!

Join in the chat and you won't be disappointed!!!   


  1. Aww- thanks for the kind words Amanda. I feel so fortunate to have met Deirdre Breakenridge (my PRStudChat partner). She is not only a brilliant PR 2.0 author, but one of the most sincere, hard working and generous professionals I have ever met... I cannot wait to introduce you to her when you are back here in NY (soon!!!!) Thanks again for the kind words and being a part of the community!

  2. Nice to see you turned around and posted the questions on your blog. GREAT IDEA!
    I liked Q6 from the session: What advice do you have for today’s students on how to make the most of social media?
    Most important... Network! But, start a conversation and don't be afraid to not get a response.
    I've found both Valerie and Deirdre very helpful with advice and insight.

    I'll be visiting your blog often... glad I found it!
