Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My 20 hour Saturday

So I know I'm behind on my blogs but I will just write two tonight! :) 

My alarm went off at 4:45 AM on Saturday morning and I actually got right out of bed.  Why?  Because it was EVENT DAY!!!!!!!  Swank had a huge corporate party that day and I had to be at the site by 8am which meant I had to allow time to get into the city and to get to Randalls Island- which i had NO clue how to get to.  (now i know it's in between Manhattan and Queens)

So in order to make it on time I had to take the 5:30am train (which is the first train of the day) which got me into the city at 6:45.  It was like a ghost town at the train station was actually pretty creepy...like something out of a horror film.  But anyways, the train came and to my surprise I was not the only one on it.  I mean really? What the hell are you people doing on the 530 AM train?!!?!  On a SATURDAY!??!!  

Anyways, i got in the city and got a bagel before getting a text from Heather saying that we needed to take a cab over to Randalls Island.  So around 7am I hail a cab and have him take me to the upper east side to pick up Heather who had stayed at her roommates apartment the night before.  After she got in we told the driver where to take us and of course we get a stupid idiot who gets us lost.  

We finally got to the golf course after driving in and out of tolls, turning around at the Psychiatric Center, passing the jail and asking the lady with the weed wacker for directions.  We went straight to work at stuffing gift baskets for all the guests that took about an hr.  After that we really just ran around and did whatever we were told in order to get the tent ready for the 12 start time.  We set up all the tables with white linens and checkerboard overlays.  Oh, and i forgot to mention the theme for the party was Picnic Americana.  So there were flags everywhere.  

Normally I wouldnt like this theme, but it turned out to be gorgeous!!!!!!  The food was great, the band was fantastic and just being with all the Swank Team was amazing.  There were pony rides, games, puttputt, batting cages, water slide and so much more.  This was a great day for the company and their families to just relax and have fun.

The party lasted till 5:30pm and take down didnt take long at all.  Before I knew it I was being dropped off at Times Square and getting on a subway up to Columbia to meet a friend I hadnt seen in 7 years.  

I met up with my old friend and neighbor Ashley who had moved down to Florida just before high school.  Well, now we are both Theta's, both founding Sisters for our chapters and both interning in big cities.  

It was so much fun hanging out for a night with her and her UNF friends (she was up visiting a friend who was interning in nyc) but I was exhausted and by the time i finally got back to Penn i had to take the 11:11 train home.  I got back around 12:30 and it was all i could do just to drive back i was so tired.  

Overall it was a GREAT Saturday and doing the event with Swank just proved how much I want to go into event planning.

Onto the next blog so I can be all caught up! :)


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