Last week was SOOOOOO much fun! Vicki, Kathryn and Rebecca arrived on Thursday and after a couple of delays they finally made it. I followed my grandma in my car to the airport to pick them up because we all wouldn't fit in one car. I surprised them by taking them straight to dinner at The Liberty House!! It is one of my favorite restaurants up here so I just had to take them there. The restaurant over looks downtown Manhattan, Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty and the Hudson. Basically it's gorgeous. We were so lucky to have such a beautiful day and enjoy walking around the grounds for a bit after dinner. Everyone enjoyed their meal (and cocktail as you can see!) and it was just so much fun having 3 best friends with me again.
On our way back we stopped by my dads high school and walked around for a bit before heading off to Friendly's and getting a night time ice cream. Everyone loved their first day but after flying they were exhausted. So we went back to the house and crashed early so we could be ready for a full day in the city on Friday.
I woke up easily Friday but I don't know if I can say the same about everyone. We were taking my normal morning train into the city and I was used to the morning routine. Once we got into the city we went and got a subway pass for the day. We boarded the 1 and headed up
to Times Square. We walked around and just enjoyed the Manhattan morning for a while
before going into Hershey World and M&M World.
We then walked over to Magnolia's and had cupcakes at 10:15 in the morning. If that's not the best way to start a day then I don't know what is. Well, it was a bit hot so we took our cupcakes and ate them on the stairs inside the Rockafeller Center. People may have stared at us but I didn't care. I think all of them were just jealous because were eating cupcakes in the mor
ning lol. After eating a taste of heaven we all headed over to the Anthropology- which i knew would be a looooonnnggg visit (for those of you who have ever been into an Anthro with Kathryn and Vicki you know exactly what I'm talking about). Everyone tried on clothes and bought some super cute things. I'm still obsessed with the dress that Vicki bought.
We then hopped on the subway up to the upper east side to the set of Remember Me to hopefully get a glimpse of Robert Pattinson for the ladies who havent had the pleasure. However our failed attempt was accompanied by lot's of young fans, putting out a fire and almost starving to death. So we unfortunately didn't get to see him but we were right next to his trailer that he was in. I felt bad because I really had wanted him to come out but unfortunately I don't control Robert Pattinson. So we sadly left the set and got some lunch at the place about a block away.
Next was Canal Street. We took the subway all the way down and did some shopping but it looked as though the weather was going to turn bad- and doing
Canal Street in the rain is a nightmare!! So we quickly did some shopping (where we got yelled at for all going into one dressing room and taking a picture of our hideous shirts), bargined for a Chanel purse for Rebecca's sister and then headed back to Penn to catch the train. We were going to dinner with my grandparentsat their favorite Italian restaurant so we wanted to get back before 7:30.
Saturday was a looooongggg day in the city but it was great! It took a little lo
nger to get into the city because on weekends the train makes all the
annoying local stops. Once we got in we went straight up to Rockafeller Center to get more Magnolia's cupcakes. Vicki- "I want to try ALL the cupcakes!" Kathryn- "Bu
t we are only here for 3 days
!" Vicki-"Well, we will just have to go ALL the time!" Haha, so we all ended up getting cupcakes and eating them at a table in Rockafeller center.
We then went back to Anthro to get a shirt that Rebecca had wanted from the day before. Then we hit up H&M for while where no one found anything. Forever 21 was next on the list but before we got to the subway station we all noticed a red carpet outside of Radio City Music Hall. So of course I freaked out when I saw the logo knowing that this was the event that Josh Groban had flown out to NYC for!! I asked the people putting it together when the red carpet would start and they said around 6:30. Becca and I both flipped out and said t
hat we HAD to come back.
After Forever 21 we went to Little Italy for lunch. We sat outside and people watched while enjoying a great meal. I ended up buying a super cute dress at some boutique off of Mulberry Street that everyone told me i just had to get. :) Before I knew it, it was time to head back to Radio City to get a good spot for the red carpet. Rebecca and I stayed while Vicki and Kathryn went walking around for a while by themselves.
To make a long story short- we got a tip from some guy that all the celebs were unloading on the other side of the building so we went over there to check it out. Vicki and Kathryn joined us and boy were we all in for a treat. A car pulls up and guess who gets out? JOSH GROBAN!!!!! He walks over to some fans on the same side of the street he was on and then after Rebecca and I screamed his name he came RUNNING STRAIGHT OVER TO
US!! I literally thought I was going to die of happiness. We asked him for a picture and he said 'of course!'. We were the first ones the get pics on our side and it was freaking awesome!!! I'm still in shock when i look
at the picture that i actually met him.
Anyways, he had to leave but we stayed to watch more and we are so glad we did. To just name a few people we saw- Aretha Franklin, Jesse McCartney, Susan Seranden, Whoopie Goldberg, Lil Kim, Stevie Wonder and more....we also shook the hand of the French Prime Minister which was pretty cool.
After a long night we were starving so we found a cute bar off of Broadway. I ended up making them run through the streets and subway to get to our train on time. It was definitely a great day.
Oh man...one final day-are you sick of reading this yet?? I hope not!

Brooklyn was first on our list for Sunday so we headed straight there and had some lunch. Knowing it was going to be a short day we wanted to make the most out of the time we had so we didnt spend as much time exploring Brooklyn as we would have liked. BUT we did walk to Manhattan on the Brooklyn Bridge which is one of the most fun things I have done this summer. The weather was great, the scenery was breathtaking and it was just so enjoyable.
We watched this awesome spray paint artist before heading up to Central Park. Once in Central Park we all decided to take a horse and carriage ride!! I had done it 3 years ago with my mom but it was still so much fun. Our driver was hilarious and he definitely made it ten times better. After we went to the Apple store and then over to Tiffany's were we all tried on engagements rings ranging from $40k to $110k. It was so neat!!
I told them to say goodbye to the city as we headed back down into the subway on our way back to Penn. Once we were back in Morristown we went to the amazing Chinese place in Denville with my grandparents for their last night in town. We enjoyed drinks, food and then ice cream across the street. It was such a blast having them in town and I sure hope they enjoyed themselves.
I only have 1 more full week left of work and then I sadly have to leave. But look for a great blog soon about the event I am doing ALL day tomorrow!!!!!!!
So sorry this took so long but I hope you find it worth it!
Glad all had a great time. The City will miss you and your friends.