Thursday, June 24, 2010

After 16 years--I'm DONE!!!!!!

I did it.

I finally completed my entire college coursework (minus the internship that I'm still doing until August).

Today I took my last final and man did it feel amazing to turn it in and walk out that door.  I wanted to scream with joy!! But, as I didn't want to scare any innocent young freshmen while they were at orientation, I decided to scream only on the inside. 

Don't get me wrong, I have LOVED college.  Being at Auburn as been 4 of the best years of my life and I will surely miss this town.  However, I have never been a school kind of girl.  I would rather learn by doing.  I want to be involved and experience it first hand.  Why should you judge me on a test I take when I can prove to you that I can actually pull it off in real life? 

Luckily I don't have to deal with that anymore!

So, Happy No More Classes Ever Day to Amanda!!!!!!!!!!

On a completely different note:

Maybe it's my detail oriented nature or my always on time (meaning I'm early) moto but I've been struggling lately to understand why people say they will email me and get in touch...and then never do.  Did they forget about it? Did they lie? Or what if they got my email address wrong and I have no way of knowing? I'm the kind of person that if I say I will get in touch...I will send you an email the next day.  I have been checking my email nonstop this past week with nothing in my inbox that I was expecting. :-(

But!! As frustrating as that is, I also understand that people have different styles and see time differently than me. 

If anyone has any advice for my interviews (seriously....i want to hear it!) please comment! This time next week I will have already had 3 interviews! Please send me good vibes as I travel to NYC on Wednesday!

PS. How about Team USA??? Amazing! Next game is Saturday at 1:30 Central vs Ghana! Unfortunately I have to work all day but I'll be cheering from inside The Chicken Salad Chick!!

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