Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer-internship, classes, NYC and Emily Giffin

I'm so ready to start my internship tomorrow with Auburn University's Office of International Education! I have been so incredibly bored these past few days that I'm chomping at the bit to start working.  I also start my last two classes on'll be nice to get back into a daily schedule.  

Jenna has officially moved out of the house-which is insanely depressing.  But at least she's coming back at the end of the week and will hopefully continue visiting throughout the summer.

As I look around my apartment I'm sad that Jenna, Andrea and I will never live here together...or just anywhere together again for that matter.  We've spent an amazing 4 years together and I couldn't have asked for two better roommates.  It's going to be very strange sharing The House of Jenamandrea this summer with two people who aren't Jenna or Andrea. 

The only thing keeping me going right now is the exciting interview trip I have planned at the end of June.  I'll be flying up to NYC on June 30 and staying for a few days for job interviews! Words can't even describe how excited I am! I will be preparing from now until the moment I step into those offices because I will leave NYC with plans of officially moving there.  

I'm also super excited about going to Atlanta on Friday for my absolute favorite author Emily Giffin's book tour for her newly released novel Heart of The Matter--which I am about to go continue reading.  I had the pleasure of meeting Emily in August of 2008 at a signing for her book Love the One You're With.  I can't wait to see her again! 

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