Saturday, May 22, 2010

Emily Giffin :: Heart Of The Matter

I have been an avid Emily Giffin fan since I was in high school and never would I have imagined that I would get the opportunity to meet her not once...but twice!!

My friend Chandlar and I have been talking about going to the Atlanta signing of Heart Of The Matter for a few months now and we were so excited to finally go on the trip yesterday!  I got off work early so that we could have plenty of time to get to Atlanta.  

We got there in time but unfortunately Emily had been involved in a car accident!! Ironically, it was the same car accident that Chandlar and I passed turning into the bookstore! We couldn't believe it and of course we freaked out but the guy working made sure we knew that Emily was fine and everyone was okay.  Thank god she was alright! 

She came in and apologized for being late before giving a short speech.  

All the while I kept thinking that she wouldn't remember me.  No way would she remember me.  It had been two years! But ohhhh was I wrong!

After waiting more than an hour to get our books signed (Emily is amazing and actually has a conversation with everyone so it takes a little while to get through the line) we were just about to step up to the table when Emily looked at me.  She stopped for a second and then it happened.  

"Do you remember me?" I asked after she stopped to look at me like she recognized me.
"Of course I remember you!" she said.  "Amanda....Pinto! We met at the art gallery!"
"Yes! Oh my gosh! I can't believe you remember! You just totally made my night!" I said. 

Then Chandlar and I walked up to the table to get our books signed and we continued to have a conversation.  She said she was so happy I came and that it was great to see me again! And I said how grateful I was that she was okay from her accident and that I was so happy I could make it.

Overall, it was an amazing night and I am so glad that I got to share the night with Chandlar.  

If by any chance you are reading this Emily...Thank you so much for being so nice to me.  It is always a pleasure seeing you and I can't wait until our NYC reunion and your next amazing novel!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer memories- Present and Past

Day 3 here at The Office of International Students and Scholars and it's going well!  I'm working on a project to help design their website (it reallllly needs the help) and then I'm focusing on a new brochure! 

It's amazing how much I've learned in just a matter of days here about international students.  I now know the difference between a J-Visa and a F-Visa.  I know what an I-20 is (and it's not the interstate I drive on to get home).  And I have already seen the struggles of communication barriers between the students and staff.  I give these international students all the credit in the world--they are in a completely different country for one...and going to school/taking classes in a completely different language.  I can't even imagine! 

It's also neat to see where these students are from.  I wish I could talk to them a little more and learn about their lives at home--maybe I will later on this summer.

Classes start tomorrow.  Which means the transit starts running again! AMEN! No more parking in another state to get to work every day! Seriously...the parking situation here on campus is ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. 

Anyway, I'm excited to start this summer semester as it is my last semester EVERRRR!!

I'm also seeing Camp War Eagle Counselors and Parent Counselors everywhere and it's bringing back such great memories from '08! I remember the anxious and eager feeling if getting ready for that first session. I remember the amazing friends I made that summer.  The horrible apartment I lived in that summer.  The late night game of Manhunt.  The food.  The pep rallies.  The campus tours.  Everything.  I miss it all.  And hearing them outside my window makes me so incredibly jealous of the amazing summer they are about to endure. 

And thank you to Melissa at insuranceinenglish for answering the NYC trivia question!! Three broadway theatres: Winter Garden, Ambassador, Majestic. :)  (and great choice of theatres--i've seen shows at 2 of those!)

***NYC Trivia***
Name the two large train stations and where they are located in the city!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer-internship, classes, NYC and Emily Giffin

I'm so ready to start my internship tomorrow with Auburn University's Office of International Education! I have been so incredibly bored these past few days that I'm chomping at the bit to start working.  I also start my last two classes on'll be nice to get back into a daily schedule.  

Jenna has officially moved out of the house-which is insanely depressing.  But at least she's coming back at the end of the week and will hopefully continue visiting throughout the summer.

As I look around my apartment I'm sad that Jenna, Andrea and I will never live here together...or just anywhere together again for that matter.  We've spent an amazing 4 years together and I couldn't have asked for two better roommates.  It's going to be very strange sharing The House of Jenamandrea this summer with two people who aren't Jenna or Andrea. 

The only thing keeping me going right now is the exciting interview trip I have planned at the end of June.  I'll be flying up to NYC on June 30 and staying for a few days for job interviews! Words can't even describe how excited I am! I will be preparing from now until the moment I step into those offices because I will leave NYC with plans of officially moving there.  

I'm also super excited about going to Atlanta on Friday for my absolute favorite author Emily Giffin's book tour for her newly released novel Heart of The Matter--which I am about to go continue reading.  I had the pleasure of meeting Emily in August of 2008 at a signing for her book Love the One You're With.  I can't wait to see her again! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Done! oh wait...just kidding.

While almost all of my friends are picking up graduation caps and gowns, taking pictures at Samford, moving out of their apartments and beginning to start their life in the real world....I sit here wishing I was with them.

I know, I know.  I don't have that long before I will be enjoying graduation festivities.  But it's hard to wait until August when I want to leave now!!!!!!  However, since I don't have any permanent plans right now it's probably good that I'm not walking across the stage on Friday.  

It is a great feeling knowing that I am done with my last full semester though.  No more Fall or Spring classes for me!  I start my last two classes next week and thank goodness it's only for one minimester. 

I had another interview yesterday and it went really well!  At the moment I'm planning my trip to NYC for in house interviews! 

Congratulations to all the May 2010 Graduates!!!!!!!!! Especially my two best friends Siobhan and Katie!

*It's hard to believe that the Fab5 are about to go in completely different directions.  You four have been my rock, my strength, my humor and my soul mates* 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What a week!!!

I'm so sorry that it's been a week since I blogged!! BUT this has been an amazing week so get ready for a long post.

First!  Remember a couple posts ago I shared my submission to's 15 PR Grads to Hire?  Well, I hadn't heard anything so I figured I didn't make the list.  It wasn't until Monday morning when I was on Twitter and checking my mentions that I realized I had done something.  I was getting all these congrats tweets from people I didn't know.  I could NOT figure out what was going on until I clicked on one of the tweets and did some stalking of links.  I finally got to Sarah's website were I saw that I made the list!! and not only did I make the list...i made the NUMBER 1 SPOT!!!!!!  I know they were in no particular order but hey--she had to have a reason for putting me first.  I was shocked and excited and incredibly honored!! Didn't get a chance to see it? Click here! Thank you so much Sarah for putting me on the list!


This week I had the amazing opportunity to speak with a PR company from NYC and we had a very nice conversation.  It was really exciting to finally get the chance to sell myself to a place that I would love to work at.  I feel that it went really well but I don't want to jinx it!  I'm excited about continuing my job search and speaking with many other companies!

Speaking of talking with other companies--I have started what I like to call "application explosion!" and I have been contacting NYC PR firms like it's my job.  So, look out for an email from me!!! And make sure to hit that reply button and email me back! :-)


I attended Auburn University's first ever Flash Rave that took place the night before finals in the library.  It was epic.  I, being obsessed with my flipcam, captured this epic moment.  I can't even describe it--so I'm just going to post my video.  Enjoy and War Eagle!



No one answered the last will stay the trivia question until someone gets it right! :-)

***Name three Broadway Theatres.  (not shows--theatres)***