I'm sure most of you have seen commercials about TNT's new series called Wedding Days but what you don't know is that my company Swank is involved!!!
On Tuesday June 30, the show will be about a wedding that Swank planned!!! And the amazing thing is that this wedding was planned in LESS than TWO weeks!!!! How crazy is that?
For those of you who arent familiar with this show it takes deserving couples who are unable to have their dream wedding due to extreme circumstances. Whether it be financial reasons or like our couple they are both in the military are both kept getting shipping to Iraq. They tried setting dates a few times but every time they were both send back for a new tour. In 2006 they came to Swank and said how they wanted them to plan their wedding. So when the show chose them to be on the show (they didnt even know!), the show contacted Swank and had them plan it.
This all happened in January so I have really no idea what it was like to be around it. But, I really really want ALL of you (and I know alot of you read this because you TELL ME) to watch the show on the 30th!!!!!! My boss and her team really went out of their way to make this wedding perfect for the couple and apparently it is AMAZING!!! I haven't seen anything other than the snipits that TNT is showing.
We are SO excited about this that Swank is actually having a Viewing Party on the 30th at 8pm! So while all of you guys are watching it at home we will all be together watching it at some place in the city. I know that everyone I work with is so proud of their work on this and I am so excited to see what it all looks like.
I don't want to give too much of the story away because I want you to all watch it!
So set your TiVo's/DVRs/whatever other device is out now and PLEASE watch it!!! I would love to hear all of your comments on it too so in a week and a half when you watch it and I blog about it...I want to hear what you all have to say. You can finally get a first hand glimpse of the work that my company does!! I love interning here and I couldn't have asked to be around better people! Maya, Christina and Josh--if you are reading this (which you said you were going to be lol) Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from such great professionals!!
Swank Junior Planner,
ps. Swank's new blog is actually about the bride so go on over to http://www.swankproductions.blogspot.com to read more about this awesome show!!
pss. Wedding Day just came on!! WEIRD!!!
like the new blog design!