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Friday was a gross rainy day here in the city so what better way to spend it than at (yes another) Broadway show?? I went to the theatre to get student tickets for Billy Elliot and I didn't even have to wait until noon. They sold me the $31.50 ticket on the spot which was awesome! So then I had 2 hours to burn before the show so I went across the street for lunch. Yes, I went to a restaurant solo and didn't even care.
At 2pm the show began and I was super excited to watch from my amazing seats. These student tickets are fabulous! Four rows up in the front mezz! It took me a little while to get into the show but once they began focusing on Billy and his dancing I was hooked! I didn't want it to end! There were SO many talented kids I couldn't believe it. The boy who played Billy was spectacular! Bravo Billy Elliot!
Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous so the girls and I wanted to make the most of it. Vicki, Caralyn and I headed down to Canal Street so I could get a new purse. I ended up finding one I loved but now I just need to find a longer strap...other than that it's perfect!
Then we made our way up to Union Square to get our dessert on at Maxx Brenners Chocolate by the Bald Man. I ordered the Chocolate Smores Sundae, Vicki got the Smores Concoction and Caralyn/Emma split the huge fondue plate. Basically our entire table was full of some form of chocolate.
Later that night I went and saw Unknown with Caralyn and Emma. We stayed out and talked till midnight while drinking cokes and lemonade at Cosi. We had a great night!
Today I've been packing and I'm basically done. I took a break to go see Never Say Never with Caralyn...she's obsessed with the Biebs...and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Gotta love JB! haha. Well I have to go finish packing and get ready for the Oscars! So excited to spend it with my Marklettes!
Even when I have a plan it seems as though things happen that I would have never anticipated. Take yesterday for example.
I decided that I wanted to go see Billy Elliot because they have great student ticket rates but because Vicki was working I planned on seeing it alone. I woke up, got on Facebook and Jordan was online! Knowing that she's a dancer I asked if she wanted to come. Of course she said yes and we headed up to the Imperial Theatre to hopefully get tickets. Well apparently even though the website says they have shows on Wednesday there were no shows- the rude box office lady informed us. After getting super excited about the show we were so disappointed. Jordan had been talking about how she wanted to see Phantom so I was like "Hey the Phantom theatre is just one block over...let's go see if they have student tickets or something." We ended up getting an amazing deal for standing room so we bought tickets for the 2pm show! And let me tell you...standing room is a fab idea for those on a budget!
We had some time to kill so we headed over and played in the Disney store for a good hour. I think we had way too much fun acting like we were 5 year olds. We then headed over to the beautiful Majestic Theatre for my 3rd viewing of Phantom in NYC. I could see it 100 more times and still get chill bumps when the show starts.
After the show we both didn't really have anything to do so I suggested we go over to the East side where I had read that Law & Order: SVU was filming. In case you don't know...I'm obsessed with this show and I've created SVU junkies out of my family and friends. (They love me for it of course). I knew there was a slim chance that they were still filming since it was later in the day but I figured why the heck not.
As Jordan and I were walking up 2nd Avenue I spotted the film crew! I literally pointed and shouted "FILMING EQUIPMENT" and bolted towards it. Despite Jordan almost stealing the cheese that the crew had out to eat, we were not bothersome at all. They were filming inside so for all we knew they could be in there for hours but luck was on our side! Jordan taps me and I look over as Christopher Meloni (Elliot Stabler) is walking out of the building. We stood still on the sidewalk as he literally walked 6 inches from us. We smiled and I was in heaven. He is as sexy in person as he is on TV. Then I turned to look at the door and spotted Mariska Hargitay (Olivia Benson)! I gasped (slightly startling Jordan) and got so excited when I saw her walking towards us. We decided to walk down the street to the trailers before speaking to her but as soon as she was by her trailer I politely asked her if I could please get a picture. She was so nice and said sure! I won't lie. I was completely awe struck.

My picture is a little blurry but who cares! I was giddy the rest of the night!
As amazing as it was I wish Vicki could have come since it was something we'd wanted to do together but unfortunately she had to work. :-(
I can't believe I only have 4 days left in the city. It's really starting to hit.
It was nearly five years ago that I had the amazing experience of seeing Wicked on its first national tour in Atlanta! I remember everything about that day but what I remember most was the feeling I had after leaving the show.
Since that day I vowed that no matter what it took I was going to see it in all its New York City glory on Broadway IN Gershwin Theatre! Despite many trips to NYC after that show I just couldn't get tickets. Whether that be because of time constraints, shows being sold out or the sheer fact that I was poor as dirt.
I decided that I was going to try for the Wicked lottery and pray I was one of the lucky 13 names called for $27 front row seats! After three attempts and nearly freezing my rear end off I got a text message from Vicki's mom. She knew how much we wanted to see the show and made my wish come true by getting us fabulous seats to Friday nights show!! I couldn't believe it! Vicki and I each fronted $60 and Andrea gave us the present of paying the difference for our great seats. I'm still so so incredibly grateful!!
Vicki and I got all dolled up for our Broadway outing. We treated ourselves to candy and I even bought a Wicked shirt. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open the entire time we walked through the theatre until we sat down in our seats.
The show started and it was pure bliss. Even better than I remembered! Yes, I mouthed the words to each and every song...I just couldn't help myself. I got teary eyed on multiple occasions and I jumped up to give a standing ovation at the end. I don't really know what it is about this show that pulls at my heartstrings so much. Maybe it's the friendship storyline or the romance...or the unbelievable vocals. I don't know but I can say it will forever be one of my absolute favorites.
Seeing the show in Atlanta was great but seeing it in the original Wicked Theatre was truly an unbelievable experience. I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to see this before I leave. I will never forget it! Thank you SO much Andrea for making my dream come true!
Of all the people I have ever known, those who have pursued their dreams and failed have lived a much more fulfilling life than those who have put their dreams on a shelf for fear of failure. ~Author Unknown
This quote really resonates with me and during the last two months I've been pursuing my dream of living and working in New York City. I've had major ups and even harder downs but overall I'm having the time of my life. However, sometimes you can't always foresee how things will work out-no matter how hard you try or how passionate you are or how much you pray for things to happen.
Sometimes things just don't go according to plan. Plain and simple. It's not been easy for me to make this decision- many tears have been shed - but I truly feel this is the right thing. Well here goes nothing...I'm moving back to Atlanta/Acworth on March 1st.
I've wrestled with this decision for weeks now and ultimately the job search isn't going as well as I had hoped. I wasn't expecting an instant job offer upon moving here but I was hoping for more opportunities and they just don't seem to be open right now.
...Physically writing this post is making this decision real to me now and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely emotional right now...
A part of me is absolutely devastated that this didn't work out because I truly believed with all my heart that this move was the right thing for me. But the other side is telling me to be realistic and think of everything I'm missing by being here. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss Auburn.
With that said, a big reason that I'm getting excited about this move back is because of those aforementioned things. I'm excited that I get to be with my friends again. I'm excited that I get to attend the Bridal Showers of my best friends and be a proper Maid of Honor who is there for the bride whenever she needs me. I'm excited about being with my family.
I know it was a risk moving here and I don't regret it AT ALL. But of course it hurts and I often have nightmares of being labeled a failure or a quitter but you know what? I can forever and always say I gave 100% in the pursuit of this dream. I'm not going to ever have those 'what if' questions I would have had if I hadn't moved here.
I've also grown to appreciate Atlanta so much more from being in New York. Trust me, there are many things that NYC will always be better at...(cough cough public transportation) but I truly believe that I will be happier with the move back now that I've been somewhere else.
Everything happens for a reason. I will preach that till the day I die. I don't really see why NY didn't work out yet but I'm sure in a few years I will look back and say, "Moving to NYC was the best decision I ever made because without it I never would be here."
So there it big announcement...I'm moving back.
If I could just say to all my friends who are about to graduate (or those who already have)- Take a risk. Go somewhere new. Try something you would have never done because you never know what will happen. It may bring you back full circle and make you realize that what you actually wanted to get away from is exactly what you wanted in the first place.
Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me on my New York journey. I will always feel at home in this city but I'm looking forward to another chapter in the job search saga in Atlanta with all my loved ones.
Hey there everyone! So I've been super busy lately and I sincerely apologize for my lack of updates.
I recently accepted a full-time babysitting job for two weeks and I've been loving every second of it. The family couldn't be nicer and I'm just so blessed that they have invited me into their lives. Their daughter Grayson is 5 months old and she may be the sweetest baby I have ever been around.
I began working with them last Thursday and I already feel like I'm part of the family. I've really become attached to Grayson and I'm going to be so sad when they leave for California on the 14th. It's amazing how differently people live here and I've definitely gotten a taste of life on Central Park West. The building is gorgeous, the apartment is so homey and everyone I've met there (including Kelsey Grammer) has been beyond nice.
Sometimes you just never know who you might meet and I'm so truly happy to have met this amazing family.
I have a big announcement planned for my next post which is my 100th blog!!!!! Wahoo!!! So stay tuned!