One year ago tonight I was in my basement with one of my closest friends becoming a Gleek and watching season 1 of, now my favorite show, Glee. I was so happy to just be at home having a relaxing night but I remember the feeling I had when 2010 was officially here.
It was the year of my graduation- the year I was going to prove myself and become an adult.
Here I am one year later in New York City. No, you won't be spotting me on the MTV New Years Eve bash tonight or at a club or anywhere for that matter. So many people bring in the new year by drinking and partying- I prefer to spend it where I'm most comfortable and where I can reflect on the last year.
I've come up with a top 10 list of 2010- some everyone will remember while others are special memories with certain friends. These are in no particular order and I'd like to thank everyone who has made an impact on my life this year. It hasn't gone unnoticed.
10- Siobhan/Katie/Eleanor's engagements and Ashley's wedding
9- True Blood nights with Becca
8- Graduation!!
7- Grandbig/big/little quality time
6- All the good times at Chicken Salad Chick
5- Roomie dinners
4- Seeing Promises, Promises with Vicki
3- Receiving the #1 spot on PR Sarah Evans "Top PR Grad to Hire"
2- Spending quality "bonus" time with my family when I moved home
1- Moving to New York City
I'm ready for 2011 and I can only hope that it brings me as many great memories as 2010 did.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas and a Blizzard!
6 pm on Thursday could not have come fast enough. All I wanted was to get to my Grandparents house for Christmas! I was the girl that probably ran you over had you been walking too slow on my way back to The Markle. I grabbed my things and headed out to Penn Station where every one and their mom was as well.
Finally I made it to Morristown where I was greeted by my Grandpa and Aunt. We had a relaxing night catching up and eating delicious Boston Creme Pie. The next day (Christmas Eve!) Grandma took me to lunch at my favorite place- Friendlys! It was so nice to just have a grandmother/granddaughter outing!
We all got ready for midnight mass and headed over to St. Virgils to celebrate Christmas! This is definitely my favorite mass by far and although it was a beautiful service I very much missed Transfiguration- my home church. And I was desperately missing my normal family traditions but again I really enjoyed spending the quality time with my grandparents/aunt.
Christmas morning was soon upon us and it was filled with laughter, singing, eating and of course opening presents. After we had opened all our gifts, I brought down my computer to have a Skype Christmas with my family in Acworth. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the day! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family and I thank God every day for all he's given me.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and for all of you dealing with winter storms please be safe!
I must get back to sleep so I can get better!
Finally I made it to Morristown where I was greeted by my Grandpa and Aunt. We had a relaxing night catching up and eating delicious Boston Creme Pie. The next day (Christmas Eve!) Grandma took me to lunch at my favorite place- Friendlys! It was so nice to just have a grandmother/granddaughter outing!
We all got ready for midnight mass and headed over to St. Virgils to celebrate Christmas! This is definitely my favorite mass by far and although it was a beautiful service I very much missed Transfiguration- my home church. And I was desperately missing my normal family traditions but again I really enjoyed spending the quality time with my grandparents/aunt.
Christmas morning was soon upon us and it was filled with laughter, singing, eating and of course opening presents. After we had opened all our gifts, I brought down my computer to have a Skype Christmas with my family in Acworth. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the day! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family and I thank God every day for all he's given me.
Thank you so much for the gifts!!
Unfortunately I began getting a horrible cough while I was out of town and by the time I was supposed to leave this morning I was miserable. I made it into the city but had to call into work sick and spent almost all of today in bed sleeping. I did, however, manage to get up and take a few pics of the incredible snow from the blizzard!! It had just started to snow when I left this morning and by mid afternoon it was everywhere! After hearing all about the South getting a White Christmas I was quite jealous but I'm pretty sure I got enough snow today to last a good while!Blizzard!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and for all of you dealing with winter storms please be safe!
I must get back to sleep so I can get better!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Turning the City into my Home
It's been almost two weeks since I moved here and I'm already feeling a change in my job search.
Let me first quickly catch you up on the past two weeks:
I never thought I was going to get here after multiple weather delays but finally after sitting in the Atlanta airport for hours I made it to New York. Then after waiting an hour for my bag I waited on my shuttle. Two and a half hours after landing I finally walked through the doors of my new home.
Unfortunately Vicki came down with what I'm convinced was food poisoning and I spent the next few hours caring for my sick best friend. During this time Vicki's cousin Camilla was flying in from England to spend a few days in NYC. I also became Camilla's official NY greeter as we decided to stay out of Vicki's room in the slight chance she had a virus.
Thankfully Vicki returned to full speed after a day or so and then it was off to explore NYC with the Brit. Basically it was a full 5 days of sight seeing and adventures! Saturday was spent at the Auburn Bar cheering on our Auburn Tigers in the SEC Championship! We are officially Glendale bound! WAHOO! There were more than 600 Auburn fans that filled up two bars! We had a blast! I even gave Camilla an American football lesson, haha. I was sad to see Camilla leave but I've told her that now she has to be my tour guide when I venture across the pond!
Vicki and I at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Playing around at FAO Schwarz
Christmas decorations at Tiffany
Me, Vicki and Camilla in Times Square
Four days after moving here I was already hard at work at my new seasonal job. I accepted a short term position at Barnes and Noble (Union Square aka the biggest B&N in the country!). I have worked nearly every day since and it's been fun! Great people and I even got to bag Uma Thurman's books when she came in with her kids!
Next came my 23rd birthday.
A few of you know (mainly from the text messages you received- cough cough Andrea cough cough) that I had a little bit of a mental breakdown the night before my birthday. I was severely missing my friends and depressed about not coming home for the holidays. After crying myself to sleep- yes I'll admit it- I woke up the next day with bloodshot eyes, two emails and 90 million notifications on FB.
The two emails where about job/paid internship interviews! So of course that started my day off on the right foot! The rest of the day was spent applying to jobs and relaxing as it was my first day off from work since I'd started. It was a little lonely but I enjoyed Skyping with my friends and family as they wished me a happy birthday.
That night I met up with Vicki and we went out to celebrate at Max Brenners Chocolate by the Bald Man! And dang it was delicious! It was a perfect way to end my day and I was so grateful to spend it with one of my closest friends.
Smores Sundae at Max Brenners for my birthday
Yesterday I woke up early and caught a train out to Morristown to spend the day with my grandparents! They had asked me to come in so we could celebrate my birthday and I was very excited to see them. I enjoyed a nice dinner where they surprised me with a delicious birthday cake and then I had to head back into the city.
As for today- (finally caught up!) I had an interview for a paid internship and I really loved the company/everyone I met! Things seem to be looking up and I really hope I get an offer for something soon so I can tell you all about it!
By the way, I'm still trying to come with a new title. So as soon as I decide on the perfect one I will change it!
PS. As soon as I finished this post I looked out the window and it was SNOWING! So of course I ran up to the rooftop to play in it :-)
Let me first quickly catch you up on the past two weeks:
I never thought I was going to get here after multiple weather delays but finally after sitting in the Atlanta airport for hours I made it to New York. Then after waiting an hour for my bag I waited on my shuttle. Two and a half hours after landing I finally walked through the doors of my new home.
Unfortunately Vicki came down with what I'm convinced was food poisoning and I spent the next few hours caring for my sick best friend. During this time Vicki's cousin Camilla was flying in from England to spend a few days in NYC. I also became Camilla's official NY greeter as we decided to stay out of Vicki's room in the slight chance she had a virus.
Thankfully Vicki returned to full speed after a day or so and then it was off to explore NYC with the Brit. Basically it was a full 5 days of sight seeing and adventures! Saturday was spent at the Auburn Bar cheering on our Auburn Tigers in the SEC Championship! We are officially Glendale bound! WAHOO! There were more than 600 Auburn fans that filled up two bars! We had a blast! I even gave Camilla an American football lesson, haha. I was sad to see Camilla leave but I've told her that now she has to be my tour guide when I venture across the pond!
Vicki and I at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Playing around at FAO Schwarz
Christmas decorations at Tiffany
Me, Vicki and Camilla in Times Square

After winning the SEC Championship!
Next came my 23rd birthday.
A few of you know (mainly from the text messages you received- cough cough Andrea cough cough) that I had a little bit of a mental breakdown the night before my birthday. I was severely missing my friends and depressed about not coming home for the holidays. After crying myself to sleep- yes I'll admit it- I woke up the next day with bloodshot eyes, two emails and 90 million notifications on FB.
The two emails where about job/paid internship interviews! So of course that started my day off on the right foot! The rest of the day was spent applying to jobs and relaxing as it was my first day off from work since I'd started. It was a little lonely but I enjoyed Skyping with my friends and family as they wished me a happy birthday.
That night I met up with Vicki and we went out to celebrate at Max Brenners Chocolate by the Bald Man! And dang it was delicious! It was a perfect way to end my day and I was so grateful to spend it with one of my closest friends.
Smores Sundae at Max Brenners for my birthday
Yesterday I woke up early and caught a train out to Morristown to spend the day with my grandparents! They had asked me to come in so we could celebrate my birthday and I was very excited to see them. I enjoyed a nice dinner where they surprised me with a delicious birthday cake and then I had to head back into the city.
As for today- (finally caught up!) I had an interview for a paid internship and I really loved the company/everyone I met! Things seem to be looking up and I really hope I get an offer for something soon so I can tell you all about it!
By the way, I'm still trying to come with a new title. So as soon as I decide on the perfect one I will change it!
PS. As soon as I finished this post I looked out the window and it was SNOWING! So of course I ran up to the rooftop to play in it :-)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Twas the night before 23...
Hey there everyone-
I've been up in NYC for a week now and I'm really loving it. I'm all settled in my little cozy room at The Markle now that all my boxes have been delivered. I'm terribly sorry for the delay on this blog but I wanted to wait until I came up with a new Blog title....well I still haven't so I decided I'd write one on my last night of being 22 and kind of sum up the last year.
One year ago I was up studying for the final that I had on my birthday-story of my college life. Never would I have guessed that exactly one year later I would be writing from New York City. I'd dreamed of it but back then it was still just a fantasy.
All I wanted was to graduate. I knew that I was getting so close and all I had to do was make it through my last few classes before I could get that diploma. Don't get me wrong- I am SO happy that I am not in classes anymore. Seeing everyone's FB statuses regarding finals gives me nightmares of years past. But not seeing the beautiful faces of my best friends every day (minus Vicki-I get to see her beautiful face all the time!) is severely depressing sometimes. And I'd gotten so used to seeing my family all the time that it's been a strange transition again like when I first went to Auburn.
So on this eve of my 23rd birthday I can't help but think how much as happened in a year. Where will I be next year when I'm nearly 24? (omg I just had a slight panic attack) What is in store for me this year? The good...the bad...the ugly....the great? A job? A real job? Maybe this time next year I'll be doing something with my life that I never saw coming...
Guess I'll just have to wait and see!
I promise that I will fill you all in on everything that is going on up here as soon as I can!
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